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NCFM Award Winner Cathy Young article “What About Men’s Rights”

August 15, 2013
NCFM Award Winner Cathy Young article “What About Men’s Rights”

Valley Advocate Guest Column: What About Men’s Rights? Wednesday, August 14, 2013 By Cathy Young Never mind the “war on women:” according to growing numbers of activists and authors, it’s males in modern Western society who are under siege and whose rights need defending. Is this the next frontier for gender justice or a...
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Posted in Men's Rights, Other | 5 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Richard Davis, Words Revealing and Rare… Another reason for a White House Council on Men and Boys

August 6, 2013
NCFM Advisor Richard Davis, Words Revealing and Rare… Another reason for a White House Council on Men and Boys

George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin , and the White House Council on Men and Boys…not. Words Revealing and Rare July 30, 2013 11:18 AM EDT (Updated: July 31, 2013 01:40 PM EDT) Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein On the front page of the July 20, 2013...
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Posted in Abused Man, Lets Just Get Along, Richard Davis, WH Council on Men and Boys | 1 Comment »

“Can’t we all just get along…” men’s rights activists should play nice

August 6, 2013
“Can’t we all just get along…” men’s rights activists should play nice

“Can’t we all just get along…” …men’s rights activists should play nice and keep quiet… By Honey Badger Brigade It’s an argument we’ve heard over and over from sources critical of the men’s human rights movement. It gets handed to us by individuals who think of feminism and the MHRM as two opposite ends...
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Posted in Honey Badger Brigade, Men's Rights, Women Who Support Men's Rights | 5 Comments »

Activist Joe Manthey, Petaluma 360 article on rape biased

July 26, 2013
Activist Joe Manthey, Petaluma 360 article on rape biased

NCFM NOTE: not long ago Women Industries had a strangle hold on the media, articles about women making false accusations of rape were forbidden. An article like Mr. Manthey’s had as much chance of getting published as an abused man finding support services. Manthey points to shoddy Women Industry reporting techniques used to promote...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Joe Manthey | 4 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Phil Cook in NEWSWEEK’S DAILY BEAST, In Cases of Domestic Violence, Men Are Also Victims, Celebrity Emma Roberts arrested

July 22, 2013
NCFM Advisor Phil Cook in NEWSWEEK’S DAILY BEAST, In Cases of Domestic Violence, Men Are Also Victims, Celebrity Emma Roberts arrested

NCFM NOTE: One of our elder statesman members noted, ” “Isn’t it interesting how the media keep “discovering” female-on-male” partner violence, yet the “male-always-victimizer/female-always-victim” narrative never seems to change in news coverage?” Yup, maybe someday they’ll actually get it and pass it along to our legislators… In Cases of Domestic Violence, Men Are Also...
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Posted in Abused Man, Celebrity, Phil Cook | 1 Comment »

Whitewash! Prosecutorial misconduct whitewashed by disgusting circle the wagon cronyism in the ADA Mary Kellett disciplinary case.

July 15, 2013
Whitewash! Prosecutorial misconduct whitewashed by disgusting circle the wagon cronyism in the ADA Mary Kellett disciplinary case.

Whitewash! Prosecutorial misconduct whitewashed by disgusting circle the wagon cronyism in the Mary Kellett case. This is the most blatant case of prosecutorial misconduct of which I know. So egregious is this case that NCFM along with others last year filed complaints with the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar against prosecutor Mary...
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Posted in Courts Criminal, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Double Standard, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Harry Crouch, Judges Bad, Legislation Bad, Persecution, Politicians State, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Sanctioned - Were Thay, Sanctions none, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Shameful, Supremist, Victim Male, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda recommends reading “Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men”

July 11, 2013
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda recommends reading “Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men”

Growing Balls: Personal Power for Young Men. By David N. Hafter. Philadelphia: XLibris, 2006. 172 pages. Price varies. California marriage and family therapist has written what is apparently his first book, a life guide for young men between the ages of roughly 15 to 25. It’s a genuine gem. Hafter manages to find...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Divorce, Health Men, Marriage, Steven Svoboda, Esq. | No Comments »

NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

July 8, 2013
NCFM’s Opposition to the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss NCFM’s lawsuit against the Selective Service System

NCFM NOTE: Below is NCFM’s opposition to the Selective Service System’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit to stop the horrific gender discrimination within the Selective Service System. Once laws were repealed preventing women from holding combat positions in the military they became “similarly situated” as men. Hence, all legal prohibitions requiring women to register...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Lawyers, Legislation Bad, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Men's Rights, Military, Selective Service, Sex Discrimination Against Men | 1 Comment »

Dragonslayer Schlafly wrong on Selective Service

June 24, 2013
Dragonslayer Schlafly wrong on Selective Service

Phyllis Schlafly is best known as the dragon-slayer of the Equal Rights Amendment. Unfortunately, the failure of the ERA facilitated radical feminists infiltrating almost every nook and cranny of our institutions with no counterbalance for men. Had the ERA passed, there’s a good chance preferential treatment based on group identity would have rapidly gone...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Elite, Employment, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Harry Crouch, Military, Myths, Radical, Selective Service, Supremist | 8 Comments »