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Posts Tagged ‘ circumcision ’

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda, Neonatal Circumcision Violates Children’s Rights, Needlessly Amputating Functional Tissue

September 12, 2012
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda, Neonatal Circumcision Violates Children’s Rights, Needlessly Amputating Functional Tissue

NCFM NOTE:  Mr. Svoboda is one of the world’s leading anti-circumcision experts and advocates. He is a Human Rights Attorney and President of Attorneys for the Rights of Children. You can follow his work more closely at the ARC website. Neonatal Circumcision Violates Children’s Rights, Needlessly Amputating Functional Tissue The long awaited circumcision policy...
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Posted in Activities, Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Health Men, Steven Svoboda, Esq. | 3 Comments »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci op-ed in LA Times re circumcision

August 24, 2012
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci op-ed in LA Times re circumcision Letters: Circumcision and STDs August 24, 2012 Re “Circumcision‘s decline could be costly,” Aug. 21 How does it make sense to remove a healthy erotogenic organ from a baby boy to avoid the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases in the future? By that reasoning, why not remove one testicle from every boy...
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Posted in Activities, Circumcision, Health Boys, Health Men, Marc Angelucci, Esq., NCFM in the news | No Comments »

Landmark decision from German high court outlaws male circumcision

June 26, 2012
Landmark decision from German high court outlaws male circumcision

A German court just ruled that infant male circumcision is ILLEGAL and can subject the perpetrator to prosecution for ASSAULT (just like for infant female circumcision)! This is a HUGE victory for the anti-circumcision movement and children’s rights. Male circumcision removes the foreskin of the penis. The foreskin contains most of the high sensory...
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Posted in Action, Children's' Rights, Circumcision, Court Cases, Genital Mutilation, Health Boys, Health Children, Health Men, International, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 2 Comments »

Colorado Representative argues that girls should be circumcized! Yeah, sure, like that would ever happen…

May 5, 2012
Colorado Representative argues that girls should be circumcized! Yeah, sure, like that would ever happen…

Imagine if a male lawmaker joked about reducing girls’ sexual pleasure by removing their clitoral foreskins in order to combat teen pregnancy and “female irresponsibility.” The media would be covering it and that lawmaker would have to publicly apologize. Well that is exactly what Colorado lawmaker Sue Schafer, D-Wheat Ridge ( publicly said about boys...
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Posted in Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 20 Comments »

Circumcision of boys for non-medical reasons is a violation of children’s rights says Slovenia’s Human Rights Ombudsman

February 16, 2012
Circumcision of boys for non-medical reasons is a violation of children’s rights says Slovenia’s Human Rights Ombudsman

Complainant asked the Ombudsman to assess whether circumcision of boys (Circumcision) is the interference with the rights of the child, especially if it is done only for religious reasons and not justified on health grounds. The complainant considered that the interference is harmful to the Slovenian doctors but he do not know all the...
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Posted in Circumcision, International, Progress | 6 Comments »

Mass circumcisions of African males increased spread of HIV!

December 21, 2011
Mass circumcisions of African males increased spread of HIV! The video above was uploaded on YouTube July 24, 2009. Dr. Dean Edell discusses the misleading and unsound arguments in the current drive to circumcise Africa. Dr. Edell predicts that massive efforts in Africa to circumcise males will increase the spread of HIV rather than prevent it. On Thursday, December 15, 2011 Zimbabwe’s...
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Posted in Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Health Men | 5 Comments »

Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life

December 7, 2011
Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life

NCFM NOTE: If you support circumcision, regardless of your rationale, search the Internet for “botched circumcisions”. Look at the pictures. Look at the mutilated little boys, many of whom die from the procedure. Then, please, honestly re evaluate your rationale for supporting circumcision. __________________________________________ Circumcised men have more difficulties reaching orgasm, and their female...
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Posted in Circumcision, Health Boys, International | No Comments »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci now ARC Gender Equity Strategist

December 6, 2011
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci now ARC Gender Equity Strategist

Attorneys’ for the Rights of a Child announce that NCFM Vice President Marc Angelucci has joined forces with ARC as Gender Equity Strategist. Marc has done awesome work litigating on behalf of gender equity.  He has also been extremely active as an intactivist in recent years, publishing a number of letters and opinion pieces,...
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Posted in Action, Circumcision | No Comments »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci article, “Male circumcision: it’s a personal choice” published in Los Angeles Daily Journal!

November 17, 2011
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci article, “Male circumcision: it’s a personal choice” published in Los Angeles Daily Journal!

by Marc Angelucci:   Today the Los Angeles Daily Journal printed Marc Angelucci’s op-ed responding to the American Medical Association’s irresponsible and unexamined 11/15/11 statement that male circumcision has documented health benefits. The AMA completely disregarded what national medical associations worldwide are saying, and based on some of their responses on Facebook it appears...
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Posted in Action, Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Men, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 3 Comments »