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Posts Tagged ‘ ncfm ’


June 8, 2011

By George Rolf Those of us who have been around the men’s movement for a while can imagine how the conversation went. The desperate father knowing that this may be the last time he ever sees his children again. Negotiating and trying to keep the whole contact thing between her and him. Not wanting...
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Posted in Australia, International, Myths, Politicians International, Supremist | 1 Comment »

NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson “we…fight against all the ways feminism went too far…” lost love found

June 8, 2011
NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson “we…fight against all the ways feminism went too far…” lost love found

By Carl Augstsson NCFM Liaison Democratic Republic of Georgia As the school year here draws to a close, my students have been having graded debates.  They have chosen a number of interesting subjects, such as the legalization of marijuana and the right to die.  I must say how pleased I am with their presentations.  They...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson, Supremist | 1 Comment »

The Conservative Case in Favor of San Francisco’s Proposed Ban on Male Circumcision

June 4, 2011
The Conservative Case in Favor of San Francisco’s Proposed Ban on Male Circumcision

      NOTE: It needs to be emphasized that NCFM is non partisan. We have members from all political spectrum’s and take great care not to slant things in any particular political direction. However, recently conservative pundits have joined the pro circumcision crowd voicing objection to pending legislation in San Francisco which would...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson, Circumcision, Health Men, International | 4 Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda interviewed on Parenting Unplugged

June 4, 2011
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda interviewed on Parenting Unplugged

Fighting for the rights of children and their Dads J. Steven Svoboda, the E.D. of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child and PR Director for National Coalition for Men spent 30 minutes with Todd and Laura talking about discrimination toward men. Times have changed. No longer do all men bring home the bacon...
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Posted in Circumcision, Health Men, Health Women, Progress, Radical | 1 Comment »

NCFM Helps Sponsor First Ever Fathers’ Day Walk-a-thon in San Diego

May 30, 2011
NCFM Helps Sponsor First Ever Fathers’ Day Walk-a-thon in San Diego

The National Coalition For Men will be participating in the first ever Fathers’ Day Walk-a-thon in San Diego. The event is a kick off for the newly formed San Diego Children Coalition. We will have a booth and if things go right, there will be a large National Coalition For Men banner at the...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Fathers' Day, National, San Diego | 2 Comments »

NCFM Presents “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable” at Summit to Kick-off False Allegation Awareness Month

May 30, 2011
NCFM Presents “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable” at Summit to Kick-off False Allegation Awareness Month

In Washington D.C.,Wednesday, June 2, 2011, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) will host the first ever summit and to kick-off False Allegations Awareness Month. National Coalition of Men President Harry Crouch will be attending and presenting the paper “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable”. In May 2011 Stop Abusive and Violent Environments conducted...
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Posted in Action, Child Abuse, Discrimination Against Men, False Allegations DV, Government Programs for Women, Mens' Organizations, National, Politicians Federal, Radical, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault | 11 Comments »

NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson Television Interview in the Democratic Republic of Georgia

May 26, 2011
NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson Television Interview in the Democratic Republic of Georgia

Earlier this month Carl Augustsson, Ph.D Candidate, NCFM Liaison, Democratic Republic of Georgia, was on a television program along with a local feminist. While feminism as most of us know it has not taken root in Georgia, there are some gender discriminatory practices and institutions. In this segment Carl discusses those after introducing the...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, International | 1 Comment »

Prosecutors supressed this evidence in the first trial.

May 26, 2011
Prosecutors supressed this evidence in the first trial.

In this video Ligia Filler twice threatens to kill police officers, she threatens to kill her husband, threatens to cut him or police office into pieces and enjoy it. Ligia files spousal rape charges against her husband Vladek. He’s convicted. The tape recording below and other evidence was not shown to the jury, the...
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Posted in Court Cases, Courts Appellate, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Rape Allegations, Supremist | 4 Comments »

Just lie, doing so is a woman’s prerogative

May 24, 2011
Just lie, doing so is a woman’s prerogative

The homeless go without adequate food and shelter, but if you are a woman and falsely accuse your partner of domestic violence or sexual assault you get all the food you need. The elderly go without medicine and proper health care, but if you are a woman and falsely accuse your partner of domestic...
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Posted in Child Abuse, False Allegations DV, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Uncategorized | 7 Comments »