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Posts Tagged ‘ sex discrimination ’

NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

April 23, 2011
NCFM President Harry Crouch at Good Friday and Domestic Violence Event

Last week I was invited by Kent Peters, Catholic Diocese Office for Social Services Director, to talk about domestic violence at the event Twentieth Annual Walk with the Suffering Good Friday Stations of the Cross, April 22, 2011, sponsored by the Ecumenical Council of San Diego County. Kent and I have known each other...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, San Diego | 3 Comments »

Dennis Koire, California Civil Rights Activist, Dies…

April 20, 2011
Dennis Koire, California Civil Rights Activist, Dies…

On February 13, 2011 Dennis was shot during a robbery. A bullet lodged in his brain. He was hospitalized, in a comma, until contracting pneumonia. The love of his life, Julie Palasco, was also shot, she died at the scene of the crime. Pasqual Raul Loera was arrested and charged with murder. Loera shot...
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Forced Labor

April 15, 2011
Forced Labor

For years, the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 exempted “able-bodied males” between ages 18 and 45 from the ban on slavery and forced labor. See Article 11. And although the exemption was eventually eliminated, Article 2 still exempts prisoners and soldiers (90+% male). Male slaves are frequently ignored by human rights laws and policies. For example,...
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Posted in Issues | 3 Comments »

Criminal Sentencing

April 15, 2011
Criminal Sentencing

Research has repeatedly shown that men get higher criminal sentences than women even when all other factors are accounted for. See also, Seattle Times, “State courts unfair to men, minorities, UW study suggests,” This confirms prior data showing men receive higher sentences than women for the same crime even when age, race, priors, family situation, and other factors are accounted...
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Posted in Issues | 25 Comments »

Women’s Wages Still Lower Because of Sexist Patriarchy — not.

April 12, 2011
Women’s Wages Still Lower Because of Sexist Patriarchy — not.

There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men. By CARRIE LUKAS Tuesday is Equal Pay Day—so dubbed by the National Committee for Pay Equity, which represents feminist groups including the National Organization for Women,...
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NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman Gets Government Grant for Men’s Shelter in Canada!

April 11, 2011
NCFM Canadian Liaison Earl Silverman Gets Government Grant for Men’s Shelter in Canada!

Earl Silverman has dedicated much of his life to making this happen. At the bottom of this post is an address for sending donations. NCFM San Diego is sending $100 and I hope you will too. What follows my name is from John Dias. Harry Crouch, President On behalf of the entire international men’s...
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Posted in Action, News | 2 Comments »

NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

April 11, 2011
NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

In the most recent case of a California Court finding that women-only gyms are illegal, On March 18, 2011, in the Superior Court for Solano County, Judge Ramona J. Garrett, who happens to be a woman, ruled a women-only health club violated California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Lady of America Trial Court Decision).  The...
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Posted in Action, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

Feminist Kabuki Theater?

April 8, 2011
Feminist Kabuki Theater?

What About Men’s Health? I don’t know any other way to profile the subject matter of the linked news story at bottom, than as the sexist farce, neglecting men, that it is. 1. Given: according to the CDC, of the 12 leading causes of death in America: men lead in 12 categories, are tied...
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NCFM Liaison Attends 18th Annual Genital Integrity Awareness Rally — Say No to Circumcision!

April 4, 2011
NCFM Liaison Attends 18th Annual Genital Integrity Awareness Rally — Say No to Circumcision!

By Carl Augustsson, NCFM Liaison Democratic Republic of Georgia This past Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, I attended the 18th Annual Genital Integrity Awareness Rally in Washington DC. April 2nd was actually the culmination of a half-week of activities which began on the previous Wednesday, the 30th of March. The reason this date was chosen...
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Posted in Action, Activities, News, Washington, D.C. | 3 Comments »