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Posts Tagged ‘ veterans ’

NCFM Adviser Charles Corry, PhD, Post Traumatic Stress and Injustice

April 9, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress and Injustice February 22, 2019 The letter below describing the experience of the wife of a Navy corpsman with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was originally posted in July 2012. Inasmuch as the situation has only grown worse, we are reposting her letter with some additional introductory comments. By 2012 whatever...
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Posted in Charles Corry, Men's Health, Military, PTSD, Veterans Health | No Comments »

NCFM President Harry Crouch NCFM update, and musings about NCFM and my neighborhood

January 13, 2019

There are three of us full-timers at NCFM offices, Me, Myself and I. Sometimes we treat each other after resolving differences, Hodads, Chee Chee, candy bar at Sammy’s. Short walks, long debates. Mental. Is all Ok. If you get past the first few paragraphs of bragging about NCFM members and our work you will...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Harry Crouch, Health Men, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM | 4 Comments »

NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., Why Veterans Can’t Get Jobs — Follow up

February 15, 2015
NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., Why Veterans Can’t Get Jobs — Follow up

By NCFM Why Veterans Can’t Get Jobs — Follow up by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D. President, Equal Justice Foundation In January 2015 a three-part series of essays was published outlining whyveterans can’t get jobstoday. For several reasons I find it necessary to belabor the issues detailed there. Censorship One basic problem is that a number of people on the...
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Posted in Charles Corry, Discrimination, Employment, Veterans | No Comments »

Wounded Warrior returns medals in protest over having to pay his ex-wife alimony from his disability checks.

February 2, 2012
Wounded Warrior returns medals in protest over having to pay his ex-wife alimony from his disability checks.

How many male wounded warriors sacrificed to protect our freedoms just to have our government take away theirs by stealing their disability checks to pay alimony? Like many veterans, Scott Cameron, a decorated Vietnam a permanently disabled and unemployed wounded warrior, was ordered to pay his ex-wife $500 alimony from his military disability checks....
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Posted in Alimony, Military | 6 Comments »