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NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

April 11, 2011
NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

In the most recent case of a California Court finding that women-only gyms are illegal, On March 18, 2011, in the Superior Court for Solano County, Judge Ramona J. Garrett, who happens to be a woman, ruled a women-only health club violated California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Lady of America Trial Court Decision).  The...
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Posted in Action, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

March 31, 2011
NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

NCFM was made aware of the Sea Otter Classic, a major annual event in Monterey, California. Their promotional materials said, “Ladies Day is for all females—adults and children… a free Festival Pass for all women and girls, providing them entry to the Sea Otter Expo and other Festival areas at no charge…” Men and...
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Posted in Action, National, News, San Diego | 116 Comments »

NCFM Member Dr. Edward Stevens Promotes “Male Studies” to balance “WoMen StuDIEs”

March 21, 2011
NCFM Member Dr. Edward Stevens Promotes “Male Studies” to balance “WoMen StuDIEs”

There are no less than 900 WoMEN StuDIEs programs worldwide including roughly 500 in the United States of America. Another source that I cannot relocate pegged the number at over 1,400 including several programs in South Korea. Early programs were not much more than terrorist training camps for women who didn’t like men. Men...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Health Men, National, News, Uncategorized, Washington, D.C. | 2 Comments »

NCFM Members Protest NFL Misusing Super Bowl Abuse Myth for Super Bowl

February 4, 2011
NCFM Members Protest NFL Misusing Super Bowl Abuse Myth for Super Bowl

This press release, “NFL Must Tackle Super Bowl Abuse Myth”, is going out to over 10,000 media outlets at 9am today. Now, we are calling on EVERYONE to call the NFL main office at 1-212-450-2000. Please tell Commissioner Goodell to speak out against the myth that Super Bowl Sunday is the “biggest day of...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Dallas/Fort Worth, National, News, Uncategorized | No Comments »

NCFM Members Continue Educating Congress About Much Needed Violence Against Women Act Reforms

February 1, 2011
NCFM Members Continue Educating Congress About Much Needed Violence Against Women Act Reforms

The Foggy Bottom Metro station escalator ended with wind whipping snow and rain around me as I tried to button my wool coat. Having just arrived in Washington D.C. from San Diego my brain rejected the cold until I mistakenly stepped in a puddle of ice and water sending shock waves from feet to...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News, San Diego, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM helps the PGA avoid a lawsuit over “Women’s Day”

January 20, 2011
NCFM helps the PGA avoid a lawsuit over “Women’s Day”

Tiger Woods will be starting his 2011 PGA season in San Diego at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Golf Course, but thanks to NCFM, the tournament’s Women’s Day event has been renamed Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise. One of NCFM’s banks, Torrey Pines Bank, was a sponsor of Women’s Day which was advertised...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Los Angeles, National, Northern California, San Diego, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

NCFM Reply to Jackson Katz Printed in University of New Hampshire News

April 20, 2010
By 4/20/10 Dear Editor, As a nonprofit organization that works with male victims of domestic violence, rape, and false accusations, we ask that you print this letter to give a side of the problem that was not mentioned in the article “Speaker Highlights Domestic Violence Issues” (4/15). Jackson Katz is correct that rape is not just a women’s issue.  But...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National | 1 Comment »

NCFM Joins International Letter to Heads of 6 Nations re Male DV Victims

April 20, 2010

On March 31, 2010, the National Coalition For Men joined the Family of Men Support Society (Canada), Amen (Ireland), Ration Shed (New Zealand), Lone Fathers Association (Australia), and Men’s Aid (England) in sending a letter to their respective national leaders challenging the out-dated notion that men are rarely victims of domestic violence.  The letter requests that necessary funds and appropriate services...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, Washington, D.C. | No Comments »

NCFM Submits Testimony on Senate Bill 1777 (MA) re Genital Mutilation

March 8, 2010

On March 8, 2010, NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda, Esq. submitted written testimony to all members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary in support of Senate Bill 1777 (SB 1777), which would make genital mutilation of male and female minors illegal.  The text of the bill is located at The Judiciary Committee is expected to issue a...
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Posted in Action, Activities, National, News | No Comments »