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June 19, 2013

NCFM NOTE: This is a MUST READ article by published by the National Association of Scholars.  Please visit their site. Title IX was intended to correct disparate treatment by sex. The law is wielded like a well honed axe when more opportunities exist for men than women, but never the other way around. Here,...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Elite, Feminist Hypocracy, Supremist | No Comments »

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

June 6, 2013
A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center Posted By Bruce Bawer On June 5, 2013, Frontpage Mag The thrilling news was announced just a couple of weeks ago: the State University of New York at Stony Brook is starting a brand-new Women’s Studies Center. Among the distinguished members of its Advisory Board will be...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Other, Shameful, Study/Research, Supremist, Universities, War Against Men | 9 Comments »

Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

June 3, 2013
Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

NCFM NOTE: The Men’s Rights Movement is not about male superiority. If men support women’s equality then necessarily women should support men’s equality. Anything less is idiocy.  But, you cannot have one without the other; and, that’s what women like the woman in the above video don’t get. She is a prime example of...
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Posted in Canada, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Hate Speech, Myths, Progress, Radical, Supremist, Universities, Women Organizations | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Peter Allemano exposé of Michael Kimmel’s misandric “Guyland”

May 24, 2013
NCFM Member Peter Allemano exposé of Michael Kimmel’s misandric “Guyland”

Professor Michael Kimmel and MacArthur Foundation agree to open feminist brainwashing men’s center NCFM NOTE: we’ve learned that the planned Kimmel’s Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University will receive $300,000 a two-year start-up grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This is horrific news and...
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Posted in Abused Man, Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Myths, Peter Allemano, Radical, Schools Colleges and Universities, Supremist, War Against Men | 1 Comment »

Department of Education, Shakespeare, harassment, and screw the classics for political correctness

May 22, 2013
Department of Education, Shakespeare, harassment, and screw the classics for political correctness

NCFM NOTE: If you aren’t angry after reading this, angry about more federal policies targeting men for specious sexual harassment, targeting them to criminalize them, for no reason other than they can, then you aren’t breathing… are you mad yet? If so, do something about it. Write the DOE and complain. Welcome to ‘unwelcome’...
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Posted in Books, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Men's Rights, Other | 5 Comments »

Jamie Cox, Domestic Violence Betrayed

April 19, 2013
Jamie Cox, Domestic Violence Betrayed

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BETRAYED By Jamie Cox, M.Ed. The accusation that blows the whistle on domestic violence is a life changer.  When valid, it can restore and rebuild a life.  When it’s a lie, it will rape and ravage.  Jails for the criminals and jails for the accused. While false accusations may not escalate to...
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Posted in Education, Jamie Cox | 1 Comment »

NCFM sends letter to Georgetown University about possible gender discrimination against men at Georgetown University

April 18, 2013
NCFM sends letter to Georgetown University about possible gender discrimination against men at Georgetown University

This article has been changed. The name of the woman alleged to have committed the offenses noted in the original letter was deleted. According to the original source, there is no conclusive evidence to support naming her, even though there is very strong circumstantial evidence. Efforts are underway to confirm that the woman earlier...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Universities | 4 Comments »

NCFM MSU Chapter President Nevada Thompson, “Protecting My Sons”

April 9, 2013
NCFM MSU Chapter President Nevada Thompson, “Protecting My Sons”

Protecting My Sons by: Nevada Thompson In response to the Montana Kaimin article about establishing National Coalition for Men groups at campus universities across the nation, I would like to thank Bjorn Bergeson for the neutral and informative perspective. Sadly, I was disheartened to read Ms. Phenocia Bauerle, Montana State Diversity Coordinator’s comment about...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Nevada Thompson | 6 Comments »

NCFM MSU in the news for wanting to cure rape hysteria…

March 28, 2013
NCFM MSU in the news for wanting to cure rape hysteria…

Men’s group wants to cure Montana’s ‘rape hysteria’ The National Coalition for Men has its sights set on starting a chapter at the University of Montana next fall. NCFM Campus coordinator and spokesman Christopher Thompson said that he is working on meeting with fraternities in the next few weeks to get them on board...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Chris Thompson, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Other, Rape, Schools Colleges and Universities, Universities | 2 Comments »