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NCFM mentioned with BBC Magazine Men’s Movement article “Just who are men’s rights activists”.

May 3, 2012
NCFM mentioned with BBC Magazine Men’s Movement article “Just who are men’s rights activists”.

NOTE: NCFM, in  a sidebar, is shown as a notable activist Men’s Movement organization along with Fathers 4 Justice and Save the Indian Family Foundation in India. Aside from which this is one of the better articles about our issues and the ever expanding forms of discrimination against men. BBC Magazine  2 May 2012...
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Posted in Abused Man, Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Feminist Spin, Health Men, International, Myths, NCFM in the news, Progress, Radical, Sexism, Supremist | 5 Comments »

Caring Romantic American Boys are saying “NO” so they don’t get screwed after having sex

April 14, 2012
Caring Romantic American Boys are saying “NO” so they don’t get screwed after having sex

By JAMES TARANTO An odd recent New York Times op-ed by sociologist Amy Schalet touts the rise of, as the headline puts it, “Caring, Romantic American Boys.” Schalet, who studied American high school sophomores (along with Dutch ones) for a forthcoming book, reports that “boys behaving more ‘like girls’ in terms of when...
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Posted in Health Boys, Health Girls, Masculinity, Progress, Rape, Reproductive Rights Men, Reproductive Rights Women, Sexism | 5 Comments »

Unseen Injustice – drummed out of the United Stated for wanting to see his children…

March 26, 2012
Unseen Injustice – drummed out of the United Stated for wanting to see his children…

Unseen Injustice In today’s world of political correctness and empowerment of women, the rights and freedoms of men have been downgraded to the point that they are now considered a second class citizen in the eyes of the US civil court system. The unforeseen consequence that resulted is the breakup of the American family,...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children's' Rights, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Fathers, Guest, Sexism, Shameful | 2 Comments »

Emasculated Labour straps itself to the mast of childcare – while male unemployment goes up and up

February 21, 2012
Emasculated Labour straps itself to the mast of childcare – while male unemployment goes up and up

MailOnline By Kathy Gyngel “Labour’s pledge ‘to get woman back to work’ is classic case of doublethink.” Male joblessness: In 1971 the number of adult men in work stood at 81 per cent. Today it has dropped to 63 per cent It doesn’t seem long ago that it was the Conservatives worrying about what...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Economics, Employment, Employment Men, Employment Women, Entitlements, Europe Western, Government Programs for Women, International, Legislation Bad, Politicians International, Sexism, Supremist, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

Australia governement abuses men by ommission, or should that be “commission”?

February 7, 2012
Australia governement abuses men by ommission, or should that be “commission”?

ABS Releases Gender Indicators and Ignores Male Disadvantage TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 View Source Article Today the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australia’s so-called impartial statistical body released its Gender Indicators report: “a summary of gender specific data in six domains representing Economic security, Education, Health, Work and family balance, Safety and justice, and Democracy, governance...
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Posted in Australia, Discrimination Against Males, Greg Andresen, Sexism, Supremist, Wage Gap | No Comments »

Must see interviews with National Post Columnist Barbara Kay

December 12, 2011

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Posted in Canada, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Education, Feminism, Government Programs for Women, International, Legislation Bad, Paternity, Perps Female Child Abusers, Perps Female Teachers, Radical, Reproductive Rights Men, Reproductive Rights Women, Schools Colleges and Universities, Sexism, Supremist, Victim Rights, Women Organizations | 3 Comments »

NCFM Los Angeles stages protest against Verizon’s male-bashing anti-father video

December 12, 2011
NCFM Los Angeles stages protest against Verizon’s male-bashing anti-father video

On Saturday, 12/10/11, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition For Men (NCFM) held a street demonstration outside Verizon to protest Verizon’s anti-father advertisements that depict fathers as “Monsters.” Approximately 15 people participated in the rally, including members of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), a faith-based organization founded by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson that has...
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Posted in Action, Child Abuse, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Media Bias, NCFM in the news, Ray Blumhorst, Sexism, Women Organizations | 8 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

November 15, 2011
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

“Males need help, too America has had a Violence Against Women Act since 1994.  Most Americans also are vaguely aware that men are raped in prison, men are raped in the military, and that boys and men are raped by religious leaders as well as in K-12 and at the university level by both...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Genital Mutilation, Harry Crouch, Sexism, Shameful | 1 Comment »

“Learnt Sexism”, London School of Economics, discrimination against men, and more evidence of feminist brainwashing

November 12, 2011
“Learnt Sexism”, London School of Economics, discrimination against men, and more evidence of feminist brainwashing

Hi NCFM! Press release: Friday, November 4th, 2011: UK student activist Tom Martin interviews clueless university students about “Learnt Sexism” and discrimination against men. Tom Martin, the man suing the London School of Economics (LSE) for discrimination against men in one of its gender studies Masters degrees, appears in a new video asking LSE...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Education, Employment, International, Progress, Schools Colleges and Universities, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Victim Mentality | 5 Comments »