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NCFM Amicus Letter to CA Supreme Court in Burquet v. Brumbaugh

May 1, 2014
NCFM Amicus Letter to CA Supreme Court in Burquet v. Brumbaugh

The Family Violence Appellate Project Facebook page has the following post: “ANOTHER VICTORY IN COURT! On February 11, the Court of Appeal granted FVAP’s request to publish ‘Burquet v. Brumbaugh‘. Under the law, domestic violence survivors can get a restraining order when an abuser “disturbs the peace” of the survivor. This case says that...
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Update on Eric Holder and the false information that remains on the DOJ website

January 16, 2014
Update on Eric Holder and the false information that remains on the DOJ website

NCFM NOTE: Hats off to the American Enterprise Institute for another article about Attorney General Eric Holder‘s apparent inability to get the numbers right. It appears he’s spewing ideologically driven data unsupported by reality… Update on Eric Holder and the false information that remains on the DOJ website Mark J. Perry | January 15,...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Feminist Spin, Obama Administration, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Raped by her, more common than you think…

January 6, 2014
Raped by her, more common than you think…

NCFM NOTE: Please thank CNN for running stories such as this one. We need to start believing the truth instead of what we were indoctrinated to believe, most of which just ain’t so… Against his will: Female-on-male rape By Sarah LeTrent, CNN updated 10:52 AM EDT, Thu October 10, 2013 “Go back to sleep. Groggy...
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Posted in Abused Man, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, Other, Rape, Sexual Assault, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

The National Coalition For Men wishes you and yours the best of holidays!

December 23, 2013
The National Coalition For Men wishes you and yours the best of holidays!

We send to you good thoughts knowing some of your thoughts may not be so good. Many of us, perhaps like you, have spent past and present holidays alone or with others who make our lives barely tolerable. Others are more fortunate to be surrounded by love, friendship and a sense of belonging that...
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The Feminist Critique [Repudiation] of Logic

December 15, 2013
The Feminist Critique [Repudiation] of Logic

NCFM NOTE: In the book Words of Power: A Feminist Reading of the History of Logic Andrea Nye, Professor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, attempts to undermine “logic” as a patriarchal contraption of oppression, concluding that “Logic in its final perfection is insane.” (Nye, p. 171)… In reviewing Nye’s work, Noretta Korertge observed that...
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Is America a “Rape Culture”?

November 26, 2013
Is America a “Rape Culture”?

NCFM: This is another superb article by Cathy Young, a must read… Is America A “Rape Culture”? By Cathy Young – March 28, 2013 This claim, advanced by a cadre of feminist activists and bloggers, has been gaining mainstream currency—particularly in the wake of the nationally publicized Steubenville, Ohio rape case which exposed some very ugly...
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NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Another Ill Conceived Legislative Proposal in the making for the “Alleged” Epidemic of Sexual Assault in the Military…

November 15, 2013
NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Another Ill Conceived Legislative Proposal in the making for the “Alleged” Epidemic of Sexual Assault in the Military…

NCFM NOTE: Make no mistake, what Michael is talking about is nothing more than another attempt to transfer power and control to ideologues after another brainwashing attempt to convince us that there’s an epidemic of rabid rapists behind every bush, but only after expanding definitions of sexual assault including finger wagging and cat whistles...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Men, Michael Conzachi, Military, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

Prison Rape — no laughing matter

October 26, 2013
Prison Rape — no laughing matter

PRISON RAPE by Deborah Kendrick According to empirical studies, the incidence of prison rape is much more prevalent with female prisoners than males. Females are disproportionately victimized by inmates in state and federal prisons and local jails. Females represent 7% of sentenced prison inmates but accounted for 21% of all victimization in federal and...
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Deja vu true then as today – impressions of progress – abused men and the female pedophile

October 25, 2013
Deja vu true then as today – impressions of progress – abused men and the female pedophile

men are also victims full article By Harry Crouch The article above published April 23, 1998, over 15 years ago! At the bottom of the first column is a reference to Michelle Elliot, Director of Great Britain’s Kidscape. In 2011 Ms. Elliot is interviewed for a video titled Introduction to the Female Pedophile, available at...
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Posted in Abused Man, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Double Standard, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Harry Crouch, Myths, Pedophiles female, Pedophiles male, Perps Female, Perps Female Child Abusers, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »