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Posts Tagged ‘ Christian Martin ’

NCFM Update on the Kit Martin case: More Public Corruption in Plain Sight in the Kit Martin Sham Murder Trial – An Orchestration of Lies & Fraud by Corrupt Kentucky Attorney General now Governor Andy Beshear

April 27, 2022

By NCFM More public records obtained in the sham Kit Martin murder trial have exposed the corruption of then Kentucky Attorney General and now Governor Andy Beshear. The information provided here will disgust and sicken you and will show how one man’s insatiable demand for political power and wealth set the wheels in motion...
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Posted in Child Abuse, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, False Arrest, Female Perpetrators, NCFM, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault | 8 Comments »

NCFM Member Kit Martin update, brief case synopsis

November 3, 2021
NCFM Member Kit Martin update, brief case synopsis

The ‘Free Kit Martin’ Facebook Group has Posted a Remarkable & Accurate Synopsis of the Case History of Major Kit Martin which is available by clicking on a link below… November 3, 2021 by NCFM Many facts of the fraudulent court martial case and Kit Martin’s wrongful conviction, have been posted to the Free...
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Posted in Court Cases, Courts, Courts Corrupt, Courts Criminal, Courts Military, Criminal Sentencing, NCFM | 3 Comments »

NCFM, Free “Kit” Martin. He’s innocent!

June 21, 2021
Kit Martin

Kentucky should make an effort to find out who actually committed the murders, because Kit Martin is innocent.
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Posted in Abused Men, Court Cases, Courts, Courts Corrupt, Courts Criminal, Courts Kangaroo, Criminal Sentencing, Harry Crouch, military discharge, Military Veteran, NCFM, Uncategorized | 48 Comments »