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Posts Tagged ‘ sentencing ’

California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

September 28, 2011
California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

To save six million dollars a year and reduce prison overcrowding, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced it will release non-violent female prisoners to allow them to regain custody of their children, and to receive transitional housing and other support services. The CDRC admits the program discriminates against men and is unconstitutional,...
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Posted in Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Sexism, Shameful | 7 Comments »

Man who owed child support so badly beaten officials feared for his life.

May 18, 2011
Man who owed child support so badly beaten officials feared for his life.

Federal inmate vs. dad in jail NOTE from NCFM: Interestingly the Internet version leaves out information about the judge found in the article below. She, the judge, gives this almost beaten to death man two whole days to report to an employment agency after being released from the hospital. To subject parents in arrears...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments »


May 12, 2011

By Carl Augustsson NCFM Liaison, Democratic Republic of Georgia I wish to strongly emphasize from the outset that this article is purely about adult prostitution.  Nothing written here is to imply any support whatsoever for child prostitution. In 1998, Sweden passed a law called “sexköpslagen”, which roughly translates to “law on the buying of...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson | 4 Comments »

Criminal Sentencing

April 15, 2011
Criminal Sentencing

Research has repeatedly shown that men get higher criminal sentences than women even when all other factors are accounted for. See also, Seattle Times, “State courts unfair to men, minorities, UW study suggests,” This confirms prior data showing men receive higher sentences than women for the same crime even when age, race, priors, family situation, and other factors are accounted...
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Posted in Issues | 25 Comments »