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Posts Tagged ‘ women free ’

California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

September 28, 2011
California Releases Non Violent Offenders – Females Only

To save six million dollars a year and reduce prison overcrowding, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced it will release non-violent female prisoners to allow them to regain custody of their children, and to receive transitional housing and other support services. The CDRC admits the program discriminates against men and is unconstitutional,...
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Posted in Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Government Programs for Women, Sexism, Shameful | 7 Comments »

NCFM ends ladies day at world famous Del Mar Fairgrounds covered by the North County Times – not “silly”

August 6, 2011
NCFM ends ladies day at world famous Del Mar Fairgrounds covered by the North County Times – not “silly”

NCFM NOTE: It is interesting that someone representing the world famous Del Mar Thoroughbred Club which promotes events like the Ms. Cougar Contest (older, good looking, well-healed, woman on the prowl for younger men), Ladies Hat Day, or the Ugly Dog Day (great event in my opinion) would refer to discrimination against men or...
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Posted in Action, Dallas/Fort Worth, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, National, NCFM in the news, Progress, San Diego | 3 Comments »

NCFM gets the attention of the San Diego Union Tribune re Del Mar Fair Ground Ladies Day

August 5, 2011
NCFM gets the attention of the San Diego Union Tribune re Del Mar Fair Ground Ladies Day

OK, just hold it for a minute By Tom Blair, Columnist Friday, August 5, 2011 at 7:26 a.m. Ladies’ Day at the Del Mar Racetrack is history. As of this week, it’s “Ladies’ and Gentlemen Day” — the result of protest and pressure from the National Coalition For Men. Does that seem silly? Or...
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Posted in Action, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

Dennis Koire, California Civil Rights Activist, Dies…

April 20, 2011
Dennis Koire, California Civil Rights Activist, Dies…

On February 13, 2011 Dennis was shot during a robbery. A bullet lodged in his brain. He was hospitalized, in a comma, until contracting pneumonia. The love of his life, Julie Palasco, was also shot, she died at the scene of the crime. Pasqual Raul Loera was arrested and charged with murder. Loera shot...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

What Month Is It On Your Feminist Calendar?

April 13, 2011
What Month Is It On Your Feminist Calendar?

By Ray Blumhorst Can anyone guess what month April is on the feminist calendar? Wrong, “Women’s History Month” was last month (March)! Wrong again, “Stalking Awareness Month” was January. No, no, no, it’s not “Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” that was October. Oh for gosh sakes, NO, February was “Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.” April...
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Posted in Ray Blumhorst | 3 Comments »

Women’s Wages Still Lower Because of Sexist Patriarchy — not.

April 12, 2011
Women’s Wages Still Lower Because of Sexist Patriarchy — not.

There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men. By CARRIE LUKAS Tuesday is Equal Pay Day—so dubbed by the National Committee for Pay Equity, which represents feminist groups including the National Organization for Women,...
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Posted in News | 2 Comments »

NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

April 11, 2011
NCFM Plays Pivital Civil Rights Roll California in Courts Repeatedly Ruling that Women-Only Gyms Illegal

In the most recent case of a California Court finding that women-only gyms are illegal, On March 18, 2011, in the Superior Court for Solano County, Judge Ramona J. Garrett, who happens to be a woman, ruled a women-only health club violated California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Lady of America Trial Court Decision).  The...
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Posted in Action, Los Angeles, National, San Diego | 1 Comment »

Feminist Kabuki Theater?

April 8, 2011
Feminist Kabuki Theater?

What About Men’s Health? I don’t know any other way to profile the subject matter of the linked news story at bottom, than as the sexist farce, neglecting men, that it is. 1. Given: according to the CDC, of the 12 leading causes of death in America: men lead in 12 categories, are tied...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

March 31, 2011
NCFM Helps Major Women Event Avoid Major $$ Sanctions

NCFM was made aware of the Sea Otter Classic, a major annual event in Monterey, California. Their promotional materials said, “Ladies Day is for all females—adults and children… a free Festival Pass for all women and girls, providing them entry to the Sea Otter Expo and other Festival areas at no charge…” Men and...
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Posted in Action, National, News, San Diego | 116 Comments »