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Feminist Spin

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

August 14, 2016
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence (MP3 audio) The ABC radio program Life Matters has produced a story on male victims and female perpetrators of domestic violence. Their website says, So far this year, 41 women have died from domestic assault. It’s a figure higher than terrorism in Australia, and one...
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Posted in Abused Men, Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Elite, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Greg Andresen, Myths, One In Three Campaign, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

August 13, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

Rape and Frightened Women The editors of recommend that parents discuss intimate body parts and the subject of inappropriate touching with children when they are about three years old. The B-Inspired Mama blog suggests a more straightforward tack: We have got to put aside our differences as parents, and talk more about this...
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Posted in 1 in 4 Women, CA SB 967, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, CASA, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Gender Politics, Man Bashing, Myths, Radical, Rape, Rape Culture, Rape in the Military, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sex, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Supremist, Tim Patten, Victim Female, Victim Male, War Against Men, Yes Means Yes | No Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda quoted in “anti-male bias” lawsuit article

August 4, 2016
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda quoted in “anti-male bias” lawsuit article

NCFM NOTE: This “anti-male” case could be a huge victory for men since they are the primary adversely affected group. Anyone who interested in due process in disciplinary procedures on college campuses knows that systems are rigged against males and blatantly disregard constitutional protections in favor of social re-engineering and “social justice,” which is largely...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, CASA, Cleary Act, Comm. of the Wrongly Accused, Courts, Courts Appellate, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Elite, False Allegations, False Arrest, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Fraternities, Gender Equality, Gender Politics, Government Programs for Women, Harassment Sexual, Hate Speech, Health Men, Human Rights, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Men's Rights, Men's Rights Movement, Mens' Organizations, Mens' Stories, Misandry, NCFM in the news, Other, Perps government, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault on Campus, Supremist, Title IX, VAWA, VAWA, Victim Compensation, Victim Rights, Violence Against Women Act, War Against Men, Women get it all, Yes Means Yes | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Formulating the New Male Studies Curriculum”

May 10, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Formulating the New Male Studies Curriculum”

  Formulating the New Male Studies Curriculum I recently submitted an article about women who sexually assault and rape boys and young men to Feminist Wire. Naively, I expected the magazine would jump at the opportunity to address this growing threat by publishing what I had written. Instead, they rejected my work, offering up...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten, War Against Men | 4 Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Misogyny and Bachelorhood”

May 4, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten on “Misogyny and Bachelorhood”

Misogyny and Bachelorhood Early on during the 2016 Republican presidential primary campaign, Donald Trump took umbrage at aggressive questioning by Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly at one of the debates. In addition to characterizing her as “not very good or professional,” Mr. Trump said, “You could see there was blood coming out of her...
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Posted in Dating, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Gendercide, Man Bashing, Masculinity, MGTOW, Misogyny, Myths, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten, War Against Men | 10 Comments »

NCFM Carolina’s President meets with Senator Burr over proposed legislation for handling sexual assault allegations on college campuses

August 13, 2014
NCFM Carolina’s President meets with Senator Burr over proposed legislation for handling sexual assault allegations on college campuses

NCFM NOTE: Here’s an example of responsible activism in the war against men. The President of our NCFM Carolina’s Chapter has coordinated efforts with like-minded organizations and working with the families of young college students falsely accused of sexual assault. The NCFM Carolina’s website is one of the best sources of related information on...
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Posted in Abused Man, Activism, Activities, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Health Men, Human Rights, Legislation Bad, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM North Carolinas, Other, Radical, Rape, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, VAWA, War Against Men | 1 Comment »

NCFM Advisers Gordon Finley and Dianna Thompson article “Affirmative Constent U” published in Santa Barbara Independent

August 11, 2014
NCFM Advisers Gordon Finley and Dianna Thompson article “Affirmative Constent U” published in Santa Barbara Independent

Affirmative Consent U By Dianna Thompson and Gordon E. Finley Young Men’s Rights in Peril Monday, August 11, 2014 Rape and sexual assault are very serious crimes, and we applaud efforts to protect both male and female students on California campuses. However, SB 976 introduced by State Senators Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) and Hannah-Beth...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Affirmative consent, CA SB 967, Cleary Act, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, Feminism, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, Government Programs for Women, Harassment Sexual, Health Men, Human Rights, Legislation Bad, Men's Rights, Rape, Rape Allegations, Schools Colleges and Universities, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Universities, VAWA, Victim Mentality, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM Member Paul Clements on False Rape Accusations

July 26, 2014
NCFM Member Paul Clements on False Rape Accusations

NCFM NOTE: Here’s a well-reasoned article by one of our long time standing members and staunch defender of father’s rights… By: Paul Clements, DADD-SC FALSE RAPE ACCUSATIONS New Hampshire Governor John  Lynch was quoted as saying that, “it’s time for everyone to realize they should support victims of sexual assault,  and hold their abusers...
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Posted in Activism, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, False Allegations, Feminist Spin, Men's Rights, Paul Clements, Rape, Rape Allegations | 9 Comments »

NCFM Vice President responds to criticism about MRA’s and the AVfM conference in Detroit

July 23, 2014
NCFM Vice President responds to criticism about MRA’s and the AVfM conference in Detroit

 Yes, feminists do promote discrimination against men; A Response to Criticism of Men’s Rights Activists;   By Marc E. Angelucci, Esq. On June 26-28, 2014, I had the pleasure of attending the first International Conference on Men’s Issues, Sponsored by “A Voice For Men (AVfM),” in Detroit.  Hundreds of people came from around the...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Conference Men, Elite, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Myths, Radical, Supremist | 8 Comments »