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NCFM sends letter to Congress to Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s War on Men

December 15, 2012
NCFM sends letter to Congress to Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s War on Men

The “War on Women” essentially is a power and control grab and guilt trip diversion by the National Organization of Women (NOW) cartel.  No one is waging war on women. However, it is impossible to rationally conclude that political forces are not waging “War on Men.” The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is center...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Harry Crouch, Man Bashing, Radical, Title IX, VAWA, Victim Male, Victim Rights, War Against Men, War Against Women | No Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, “Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s (VAWA) war on men”

December 13, 2012
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, “Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s (VAWA) war on men”

Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s war on men The lead letter below was published in the print edition of The Hill on Friday, December 14, 2012 and is followed by the article to which it responds. Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. _______________________ By Gordon E. Finley, professor of Psychology Emeritus, Florida International University –...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA, War Against Men | 5 Comments »

The War on Male Students (MISANDRY’S WAR ON MEN)

November 8, 2012
The War on Male Students (MISANDRY’S WAR ON MEN)

NCFM NOTE: This must see, fair and balanced, pro-human, anti War on Men video series should be shown in all appropriate school classes and age groups. If you are reading this you have an opportunity to see it now. Make sure everyone you know watches the series too. Doing so will help reverse the...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Due Process, Education, False Allegations DV, Feminist Jurisprudence, Rape, Rape Allegations, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Universities, VAWA, Victim Mentality, Victim Professional, Video | No Comments »

NCFM letter to all U.S. Senators and Representatives re VAWA

September 14, 2012
NCFM letter to all U.S. Senators and Representatives re VAWA

NOTE: The following letter was first submitted to POLITICO which did not respond to the submission. It was then faxed to each and every member of Congress, Representatives and Senators. Strengthening the Violence Against Women Act Protects U.S. Citizens In a recent  POLITICO opinion piece, Weakening the Violence Against Women Act Betrays Immigrant Victims,...
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Posted in Activities, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Harry Crouch, VAWA, War Against Men | 10 Comments »

What Is “Domestic Violence”? – Anything Your Heart Desires, Honey! (A Word of Wisdom to an American Male)

July 29, 2012
What Is “Domestic Violence”? – Anything Your Heart Desires, Honey! (A Word of Wisdom to an American Male)

By Eric Ross, Ph.D, NCFM Acting President, Greater New York Chapter The definition of domestic violence by the US Department of Justice (2011) is, in part, as follows: “We define domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control...
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Posted in Abused Man, Definitions, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Eric Ross, Ph.D, Guest, Supremist, VAWA | 15 Comments »

Violence Against Women Act needs reform, pro-woman shouldn’t mean anti-man

July 25, 2012
Violence Against Women Act needs reform, pro-woman shouldn’t mean anti-man

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is up for reauthorization again this year. This newest version of VAWA — loaded up with even more leftist provisions — has hit a snag. First signed into law in 1994 with bipartisan support and reauthorized in 2000 and 2006, the legislation has become both a failure and...
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Posted in VAWA | 4 Comments »

NCFM President Harry Crouch, Washington D.C., the 2012 NOW Convention and suicide

July 12, 2012
NCFM President Harry Crouch, Washington D.C., the 2012 NOW Convention and suicide

The overbooked Airbus 319 Redeye flight from San Diego lifted off at 11:00 p.m. as scheduled with me wondering if he was still fixated on jumping off the Coronado Bridge. I could see it as we turned to establish our flight path to Washington D.C., all 200 vertical feet of it. The weekend before,...
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Posted in Activities, Child Abuse, Conference Women, Discrimination Against Males, False Allegations DV, Harry Crouch, Radical, Rape Allegations, SAVE, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Supremist, VAWA, Women Organizations | 13 Comments »

HERE’S A MUST READ about feminist jurisprudence, the VAWA, and the disenfranchisement of man

July 11, 2012
HERE’S A MUST READ about feminist jurisprudence, the VAWA, and the disenfranchisement of man

Posted on the  William L. Anderson  blog which mostly covers prosecutorial, judicial, and police misconduct and the demise of the Rule of Law in the USA. America as South Park Nation: Where Life is a Bad Cartoon, Part II Even though at our house we don’t have television reception, we do have a TV...
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Posted in Abused Man, Child Abuse, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, False Allegations DV, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Persecution, Radical, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, VAWA, Victim Male, Victim Mentality, Victim Rights, War Against Men | 3 Comments »

Mexico headed for big dose of “women only” Family Justice Centers. Notice the absence of any services for men… typical.

June 14, 2012
Mexico headed for big dose of “women only”  Family Justice Centers. Notice the absence of any services for men… typical.

NCFM NOTE: The San Diego Family Justice Center, which is the first one, has a plaque on a wall in the entry way with a thank you from a man who received services from the SDFJC. Regardless, the ideology and true nature of the organization is clear in this article — “women and children”....
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Posted in Abused Man, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Myths, VAWA, Victim Compensation, Victim Rights, Women Organizations | 6 Comments »