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Posts Tagged ‘ domestic violence ’

NCFM College Student Member Brent Hewitson Explains the Myth of Male Privilege

July 12, 2018
NCFM College Student Member Brent Hewitson Explains the Myth of Male Privilege

  Click here or on the picture to go to the YouTube presentation. NCFM College Student Member Brent Hewitson Explains the Myth of Male Privilege
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Posted in Brent Hewitson, Child Custody, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Divorce, Feminist Hypocracy, Male Privilege, Pop Culture, Video | No Comments »

NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

June 4, 2018
NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

NCFM NOTE: Dr. Corry’s 18 page history of radical feminism offers a terrifying view of past, present and future destruction. Be prepared to learn things about the USA you never imagined could happen. _________________________________________ For nearly two decades the Equal Justice Foundation has been pointing out that under current laws a man has to...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Al Rava, Esq., Alan Millard, Authors, Barbara Kay, Bill Ronan, C.D. Lang, Caleb Papp, Carl Augustsson, Charles Corry, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, International, Kentucky/Tennessee, Los Angeles, Mexico, National, Northern California, San Diego, Twin Cities, Washington, D.C. | 7 Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, Reducing Domestic Violence: Reengineering the Male Behavioral Health System

October 11, 2017
NCFM Member Tim Patten, Reducing Domestic Violence: Reengineering the Male Behavioral Health System

When a man is convicted of beating his wife, he is jailed, hit with big fines, and required to pay for anger management and other such services to prevent it from happening again. Because of what he did, many would say he deserves no sympathy and got just what he deserved. But what if...
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Posted in Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Jason Dale, Domestic Violence by Dummies – a must read

May 20, 2017
NCFM Member Jason Dale, Domestic Violence by Dummies – a must read

NCFM NOTE: First published here in 2014 it inexplicably disappeared. But the following is simply a superb email exchange between NCFM Member Jason Dale and Scott Miller (DAIP Blueprint Coordinator), Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs (the “Duluth” domestic violence model power and control organization). If you need a quick reference guide to the related research you’ll find...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Duluth Power/Control, Jason Dale | 2 Comments »

NCFM UK Member Jim Johnson, 15 Actions Men Can Take to Survive Mysandric Feminists

March 28, 2017
NCFM UK Member Jim Johnson, 15 Actions Men Can Take to Survive Mysandric Feminists

NCFM NOTE: The 15 Actions apply outside the UK too, abusive mysandric feminists (male or female) have no interest in fairness, equality or justice, social or otherwise, right? ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN IN THE UK, 15 ACTIONS TO SURVIVE, THERESA MAY AND ALISON SAUNDERS’ FEMINISTS REIGN OF TERROR  Did you know that in the United...
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Posted in Courts, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Courts Kangaroo, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, International, Jim Johnson, Victim Mentality, War Against Men | 1 Comment »

NCFM sends California Public Records Act (CPRA) request to San Mateo County re treatment of male versus female domestic violence arrests and prosecutions

March 18, 2017
NCFM sends California Public Records Act (CPRA) request to San Mateo County re treatment of male versus female domestic violence arrests and prosecutions

We have enough reason to believe that San Mateo County, California, treats similarly situated male and female perpetrators (alleged or otherwise) disparately. A plethora of validated scientific evidence confirm women just as often commit violent acts of domestic violence as do men. Yet, alleged male perpetrators, many of whom are the true victims, are prosecuted...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, NCFM | 3 Comments »

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen, New Research Finds One in Three Family Violence Victims are Male

December 9, 2016
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen, New Research Finds One in Three Family Violence Victims are Male

New research into Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia finds that one in three victims are male New research by the Violence Prevention Group at the School of Psychology, Deakin University, investigating Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia, surveyed a representative sample of 5,118 Australians and found that males accounted for between 11% and 37% of victims...
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Posted in Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Greg Andresen | No Comments »

NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi, “Wrongfully Convicted Man Fighting for Justice Behind Prison Bars

October 3, 2016
NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi, “Wrongfully Convicted Man Fighting for Justice Behind Prison Bars

NCFM update regarding wrongfully convicted Army Major Erik Burris Army Major Erik Burris; Wrongfully Convicted Man Fighting for Justice Behind Prison Bars by Michael Conzachi NCFM published the case of Army Major Burris in February 2015 . Since I also served in the 82nd Airborne Division, I have had an interest in this case. I have...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Courts, Courts Military, Discrimination Against Men, Elite, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Female Abusers, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Gender Politics, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Male Victims, Matriarchy, Mens' Stories, Michael Conzachi, Military, Military Justice Improvement Act, Misandry, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape in the Military, Revolutionary, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault in the Military, Shameful, Supremist, Undue Command Influence, Uniform Code of Military Justice, VAWA, VAWA, Veterans, Victim Male, Violence Against Women Act, War Against Men, Women get it all | 1 Comment »

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

August 14, 2016
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence (MP3 audio) The ABC radio program Life Matters has produced a story on male victims and female perpetrators of domestic violence. Their website says, So far this year, 41 women have died from domestic assault. It’s a figure higher than terrorism in Australia, and one...
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Posted in Abused Men, Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Elite, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Greg Andresen, Myths, One In Three Campaign, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | No Comments »