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Posts Tagged ‘ mens rights ’

Reason as backlash, who knew? Suggestion of Men Centers on college campuses met with ignorant hate speech

September 30, 2013
Reason as backlash, who knew? Suggestion of Men Centers on college campuses met with ignorant hate speech

Voices of Reason About the Gender Wars Front Page Mag September 30, 2013 By Bruce Bawe In recent months, a group called the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE) has been making headlines and inciting angry protests with a series of lectures at the University of Toronto. What provocative messages, what unconscionable claims, what inflammatory statements,...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Mens' Organizations, Progress, Schools Colleges and Universities | 2 Comments »

Canadian Student Union wants to ban men’s rights groups! So much for free speech and equal treatment…

September 3, 2013
Canadian Student Union wants to ban men’s rights groups! So much for free speech and equal treatment…

NCFM NOTE: Clicking on the picture to your left takes you to the Canadian National Post article Robyn Urback: Student union brands men’s rights groups as ‘hateful’ clubs that ‘justify sexual assault’. The first thing you will see is a picture of a young well dressed women holding a sign saying “Men of Equality Support Women’s...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Education, Hate Speech, Men's Rights, Schools Colleges and Universities, Shameful, Universities | 9 Comments »

NCFM Award Winner Cathy Young article “What About Men’s Rights”

August 15, 2013
NCFM Award Winner Cathy Young article “What About Men’s Rights”

Valley Advocate Guest Column: What About Men’s Rights? Wednesday, August 14, 2013 By Cathy Young Never mind the “war on women:” according to growing numbers of activists and authors, it’s males in modern Western society who are under siege and whose rights need defending. Is this the next frontier for gender justice or a...
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Posted in Men's Rights, Other | 5 Comments »

“Can’t we all just get along…” men’s rights activists should play nice

August 6, 2013
“Can’t we all just get along…” men’s rights activists should play nice

“Can’t we all just get along…” …men’s rights activists should play nice and keep quiet… By Honey Badger Brigade It’s an argument we’ve heard over and over from sources critical of the men’s human rights movement. It gets handed to us by individuals who think of feminism and the MHRM as two opposite ends...
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Posted in Honey Badger Brigade, Men's Rights, Women Who Support Men's Rights | 5 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) ignores reality

February 21, 2013
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) ignores reality

    The above letter was faxed to 396 members in the House of Representatives and 96 U.S. Senators. For various reasons beyond our control 160 of the 492 faxes sent did not reach the intended recipients. We’ve heard that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R) has been persuaded to soon introduce for a...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, VAWA | 2 Comments »

A-Bomb an ant to end cyber-stalking

February 7, 2013
A-Bomb an ant to end cyber-stalking

NCFM NOTE: As you read what is below keep in mind the nature and severity of the alleged crime, which as far as can be discerned from the information provided was an email or perhaps emails later construed as harassment and cyber-stalking. Let me repeat that “an email or emails,” which were construed as...
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Posted in Charles Corry, Stalking | 3 Comments »

NCFM Goes to School!

January 29, 2013
NCFM Goes to School!

NCFM Goes to School To Montana State University to be precise… By Tim Goldich, President, NCFM Chicago Chatper An NCFM chapter inside a major university!?! Slap me, I must be dreaming! For me, the feminist belief system is the enemy we face. To have a presence in academia is, therefore, to face our enemy...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Education, Progress, Schools Colleges and Universities, Tim Goldich, Victory | 4 Comments »

NCFM HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENT — our first university chapter

January 26, 2013
NCFM HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENT — our first university chapter

NCFM Montana State University Chapter Some things leave me speechless…almost. Once in a great while I am privileged to participate in something of major importance. I am proud to announce that the National Coalition For Men has established its first chapter on a university campus. To my knowledge we are the first full-fledged Men’s...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Chris Thompson, Education, Harry Crouch, Men's Rights, Mens' Organizations, Progress, Universities | 11 Comments »

Feminist Feel-Good Science Explains Domestic Violence

January 9, 2013
Feminist Feel-Good Science Explains Domestic Violence

NCFM NOTE: the article below suggests that the authors of the research noted in the article are steeped in feminist ideology. It appears their project is disguised as science and the results thereof were in essence predetermined, or at least highly predictable. Feminists are infamous for using simple math to get nonsense. If  the...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Feminist Spin, Myths, Other, Radical, Supremist | 2 Comments »