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Senator McCaskill ‘s ideological war on men – the political campaign against the military to criminalize male sexuality and protect nobody

June 19, 2013
Senator McCaskill ‘s ideological war on men – the political campaign against the military to criminalize male sexuality and protect nobody

NCFM NOTE: Lt. Gen. Susan Helms, Air Force Academy Graduate, astronaut with four space missions, nominated by President Obama to serve as Vice Commander of the Air Force Space Command. It would seem that General Helm’s judgment would be of the highest order. The article below, at least the facts noted there, strongly support...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations DV, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Horrible, Legislation Bad, Men's Rights, Military, Politicians Federal, Prosecutors, Rape Allegations, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault, War Against Men | 5 Comments »


June 19, 2013

NCFM NOTE: This is a MUST READ article by published by the National Association of Scholars.  Please visit their site. Title IX was intended to correct disparate treatment by sex. The law is wielded like a well honed axe when more opportunities exist for men than women, but never the other way around. Here,...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Elite, Feminist Hypocracy, Supremist | No Comments »

Scholars taking a closer look at elitist feminist attack on “innocent until proven guilty”

June 15, 2013
Scholars taking a closer look at elitist feminist attack on “innocent until proven guilty”

NCFM NOTE: Below is an excellent must read article from The Community of the Falsely Accused. Here’s how it works, in small part anyway: after convincing one or two willing legislators and a handful of journalists that a problem exists elitist feminist have laws written to suit their beliefs which are supported by not...
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Posted in Double Standard, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Government Programs for Women, Myths, Radical, Rape, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 1 Comment »

How a one-man-band activist helps defeat elitist feminist lies, NCFM Member Daniel Arp

June 14, 2013
How a one-man-band activist helps defeat elitist feminist lies, NCFM Member Daniel Arp

NCFM NOTE: People often ask what they can do to help defeat feminist lies, help change the lopsided gender imbalance that disadvantages men in almost all areas of our culture and society. One person can do much. NCFM member Daniel Arp has been a one man band with bunny batteries for years. He regularly...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Feminism, Feminist Spin, Myths, News, Radical, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

June 6, 2013
A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center A Joke…

A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center Posted By Bruce Bawer On June 5, 2013, Frontpage Mag The thrilling news was announced just a couple of weeks ago: the State University of New York at Stony Brook is starting a brand-new Women’s Studies Center. Among the distinguished members of its Advisory Board will be...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Education, Other, Shameful, Study/Research, Supremist, Universities, War Against Men | 9 Comments »

NCFM Member Michael Conzachi — The epidemic of sexual assault in the military; or lack thereof

June 5, 2013
NCFM Member Michael Conzachi — The epidemic of sexual assault in the military; or lack thereof

NCFM NOTE:  Sexual assault is wrong — period. Sexual assault resulting in injury and emotional trauma should be severely dealt with. But ever-expanding elitist feminist ideologically driven definitions can turn good soldiers into dishonorably discharged soldiers, especially male soldiers. Definitions must not include making someone ” feel uncomfortable” or telling someone they have a...
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Posted in Activities, Discrimination Against Males, False Allegations DV, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Legislation Bad, Michael Conzachi, Military, Myths, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Supremist, Uniform Code of Military Justice | No Comments »

New organization of leading women for shared parenting may finally end courts favoring mothers

June 4, 2013
New organization of leading women for shared parenting may finally end courts favoring mothers

NCFM NOTE: NCFM Member Larry Kerkman’s CRISPE Bus (Children’s Initiative For Sharing Parents Equally) traveled the country advocating for shared parenting. I was privileged to work with Larry in developing CRISPE. The travel arrangements were unquestionably more comfortable than the Freedom Riders rides several decades ago. But riding for freedom it was nonetheless. State by...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Equal Parenting, Harry Crouch, Shared Parenting, Supremist | 1 Comment »

Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

June 3, 2013
Men’s Rights Movement Sees Resurgence Among Millennial Males

NCFM NOTE: The Men’s Rights Movement is not about male superiority. If men support women’s equality then necessarily women should support men’s equality. Anything less is idiocy.  But, you cannot have one without the other; and, that’s what women like the woman in the above video don’t get. She is a prime example of...
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Posted in Canada, Discrimination Against Males, Education, Hate Speech, Myths, Progress, Radical, Supremist, Universities, Women Organizations | 1 Comment »

The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

May 30, 2013
The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

NCFM NOTE: For MRA’s this is old news. We see articles like this, smile, and wonder what took others so long to see the truth. It’s all about disenfranchising men while empowering women… fortunately more and more people are starting to figure that out. Feminist notions of equal treatment gave way to elitist feminist...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Myths, Other, Supremist, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »