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Genital Mutilation

NCFM announces the first annual International Foreskin Awareness Week

May 7, 2013
NCFM announces the first annual International Foreskin Awareness Week

NCFM Press Release San Diego, California, May 7, 2013 The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) proudly announces the first annual International Foreskin Awareness Week, from May 6 to May 12, 2013. Contact: Steven Svoboda, Esq., NCFM PR Director,   925-395-2065 “One of NCFM’s goals is to educate the public about the lesser known...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Genital Mutilation | 3 Comments »

Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS

April 7, 2013
Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS

Stop Exploiting Africans — Circumcision Does Not Stop AIDS by JerryTheOther The ushers at the Brooklyn Academy of Music were as stunned as Bill and Chelsea Clinton – patrons usually don’t stand mid-performance and shout slogans at the stage – so no one should blame them for not restoring order. That night, March 4th,...
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Posted in Circumcision, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Genital Mutilation, Health Girls, Health Men, Legislation Bad | 6 Comments »

Landmark decision from German high court outlaws male circumcision

June 26, 2012
Landmark decision from German high court outlaws male circumcision

A German court just ruled that infant male circumcision is ILLEGAL and can subject the perpetrator to prosecution for ASSAULT (just like for infant female circumcision)! This is a HUGE victory for the anti-circumcision movement and children’s rights. Male circumcision removes the foreskin of the penis. The foreskin contains most of the high sensory...
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Posted in Action, Children's' Rights, Circumcision, Court Cases, Genital Mutilation, Health Boys, Health Children, Health Men, International, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | 2 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

November 15, 2011
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

“Males need help, too America has had a Violence Against Women Act since 1994.  Most Americans also are vaguely aware that men are raped in prison, men are raped in the military, and that boys and men are raped by religious leaders as well as in K-12 and at the university level by both...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Genital Mutilation, Harry Crouch, Sexism, Shameful | 1 Comment »

Rape victims should not have to pay their abusers, nor should other crime victims like Justin Bieber, Catherine Kieu’s husband, or the millions of paternity fraud victims.

November 4, 2011
Rape victims should not have to pay their abusers, nor should other crime victims like Justin Bieber, Catherine Kieu’s husband, or the millions of paternity fraud victims.

Crime victims should not have to pay their abusers! For two days now I’ve listened to morning talk jock Chip Franklin’s incessant rant and “outrage” over the Chrystal Harris spousal rape case. Her husband was unemployed, losing it mentally, it was a horrible time, I didn’t know what to do, she said. He threatened...
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Posted in Court Cases, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Genital Mutilation, Government Programs for Women, Harry Crouch, Legislation Bad, Legislation Good, Murder, Perps Female, Title IV, Victim Compensation, Victim Rights | 2 Comments »

Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

August 1, 2011
Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

The following letter resulted from an inquiry from a new NCFM member (by the way, if you have not joined NCFM you may as well do it now, just click on the join NCFM button to the right and help us help you make the world a better place for all of us…): NCFM...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's' Rights, Circumcision, Conscription, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Dowry Laws, Education, False Allegations DV, Genital Mutilation, Health Boys, Health Men, Immigration law, Los Angeles, Paternity Fraud, Paternity Wrongful, Pay Gap, Rape Allegations, Ray Blumhorst, Reproductive Rights Men, Selective Service, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Title IV, Title IX, Victim Rights | No Comments »