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Posts Tagged ‘ carl augustsson ’

NCFM International Coordinator Carl Augustsson, PhD, Satire [sic]”A Modest Proposal”

November 19, 2021

  NCFM NOTE: Jonathan Swift’s 17th Century A Modest Proposal challenged the Irish to stand up for themselves, including skinning Brits to make gloves. Carl’s A Modest Proposal has nothing to do with skinning anyone, but does offer an interesting humorist’s view of what would it be like if through history men’s and women’s...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson, Elite, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, International Mens Day, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM Georgian Liaison Carl Augustsson, update, men’s rights movement and conscription

June 26, 2015
NCFM Georgian Liaison Carl Augustsson, update, men’s rights movement and conscription

By NCFM Abolishing the sexist nature of conscription is just one of many reasons the Men’s Rights Movement is needed. Conscription, or as I call it “The glorified national sexist enslavement of young men” is clearly one of the more important reasons. In fairness of full disclosure, the Men’s Rights movement is not necessarily anti-conscription,...
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Posted in Authors, Carl Augustsson, Conscription, Male Victims, Men's Rights, MRA, National Coalition For Men, NCFM | 1 Comment »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci and Republic of Georgia Liaison Carl Augustsson join protest at Academy of Pediatrics over circumcision double standards in New Orleans

October 30, 2012
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci and Republic of Georgia Liaison Carl Augustsson join protest at Academy of Pediatrics over circumcision double standards in New Orleans

Female infant circumcision is rightfully illegal but it is Ok to circumcise infant males! Bull. On October 20, 2012, NCFM members Carl Agustsson and Marc Angelucci participated in a protest against infant male genital cutting outside of the national meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) at the Convention Center in New Orleans,...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Circumcision, Marc Angelucci, Esq. | No Comments »

NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson challenges Georgia Today article about domestic violence

February 15, 2012

“Georgia Today”, a weekly English-language newspaper, ran the following front-page headline:  More women acknowledge their rights when oppressed and abused.  The picture on the cover was a woman cowering in the corner (covering the back of her head) and the clinched fist of a man.  While the article has a few positive points, it...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, International, International, Myths, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM asks the United Nations to end all forms of discrimination against men

January 17, 2012
NCFM asks the United Nations to end all forms of discrimination against men

Through the generous volunteer work of our Democratic Republic of Georgia Liaison Carl Augustsson, and after review and unanimous approval of our national board of directors, over 170 letters were sent under NCFM letterhead to all United Nations Delegations requesting sponsors for the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Men”...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men | 16 Comments »


October 17, 2011

Fathers’ Day in Democratic Republic of Georgia! Saturday, October 15th, is Fathers’ Day here in Georgia (as in Russia rather than next to Alabama)! As some of you may recall, I petitioned the Georgian Parliament to create a Father’s Day, or turn March 3rd (currently Mother’s Day) into Parent’s Day.  You can get more...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Event Males, Progress | 1 Comment »

NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson Television Interview in the Democratic Republic of Georgia

May 26, 2011
NCFM Liaison Carl Augustsson Television Interview in the Democratic Republic of Georgia

Earlier this month Carl Augustsson, Ph.D Candidate, NCFM Liaison, Democratic Republic of Georgia, was on a television program along with a local feminist. While feminism as most of us know it has not taken root in Georgia, there are some gender discriminatory practices and institutions. In this segment Carl discusses those after introducing the...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, International | 1 Comment »


May 12, 2011

By Carl Augustsson NCFM Liaison, Democratic Republic of Georgia I wish to strongly emphasize from the outset that this article is purely about adult prostitution.  Nothing written here is to imply any support whatsoever for child prostitution. In 1998, Sweden passed a law called “sexköpslagen”, which roughly translates to “law on the buying of...
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Posted in Carl Augustsson | 4 Comments »