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Posts Tagged ‘ radical feminism ’


May 13, 2024
Naomi Wolf

Dear Reader: I sadly announce the intellectual demise of one of the great feminist thinkers of our time. That being Naomi Wolf. Wolf climbed to fame with her acclaimed feminist classic “The Beauty Myth.” The book was published back in 1992, so let me refresh the reader with some of its brilliance. In her...
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Posted in Elite, Feminism, Mr. Manners, Myths, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM Adviser Charles Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., critiques Colorado reporter’s error riddled series about domestic violence

February 7, 2019

NCFM NOTE: Fake news may be a cliché but that does not mean it does not exist. Better may be ideological news, ignorant news or perhaps ignorant ideological news, which may be the case in a recent four-part series on domestic violence from the Pulitzer Prize winning El Paso, Colorado Gazette. The series was...
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Posted in Charles Corry, Child Abuse, Courts, Courts Family, Courts Kangaroo, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, False Arrest, Family Law, Father's Rights, Fathers, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Spin, Gender Politics, Gendercide, Gynocentrism, Misandry, Paternity, Rape Allegations, Restraining Orders, Revolutionary, Sexual Assault, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis

September 21, 2018

Read with a little salt, and HIGHLY recommended! The Feminist Lie: It was Never About Equality. By Bob Lewis. San Bernardino, California: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. 187 pages. No price on book but book listed for $11.76 on Review by J. Steven Svoboda. A quite possibly pseudonymous author who goes by...
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Posted in Book Reviews, Books, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Elite, Feminism, Radical, Revolutionary, Steven Svoboda, Esq., Supremist | 2 Comments »

NCFM files Department of Education (DOE), Title IX, gender discrimination complaint against Northeastern University

August 21, 2018
NCFM files Department of Education (DOE), Title IX, gender discrimination complaint against Northeastern University

Northeastern University has over 20 women programs but nothing similar for men. Thus, the National Coalition for Men is filing a Title IX complaint against Northeastern University, a bastion of radical feminist ideology. Northeastern University has more than 20 programs for women and nothing comparable for men, even though women are now the majority of...
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Posted in Abused Man, Advocacy Research, Boys and Men in Education, Dept of Education, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Elite, False Allegations, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Gender Equality, Gender Politics, Girl Power, Government Programs for Women, Gynocentrism, Horrible, Male Privilege, Male Victims, Men's Rights Movement, Misandry, NCFM, Radical, Revolutionary, Sexism Reverse, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Universities, War Against Men, Women Organizations | 5 Comments »

NCFM Adviser Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D., “Of Frogs and Universities”

November 20, 2017
NCFM Adviser Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D., “Of Frogs and Universities”

by Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. Over the past half century or so there have been unprecedented changes in higher education which most exquisitely are explained by The Frog Theory. Per Wikipedia, The Frog Theory goes as follows: If a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Education, Gordon Finley, Ph.D | No Comments »

NCFM Member Jason Dale, Complaint about Foschini’s disgraceful “THE FUTURE IS FEMALE” advertising

August 29, 2017
NCFM Member Jason Dale, Complaint about Foschini’s disgraceful “THE FUTURE IS FEMALE” advertising

Complaint about Foschini’s disgraceful “THE FUTURE IS FEMALE” advertising August, 2017 Addressed to: <Edgars Consolidated, Woolworths, Trueworths, Mr Price Group, Zando, Arcadiagroup UK, YOU magazine, COSMOPOLITAN magazine, Marie Claire magazine, Whistleblowing South Africa, Carte Blanche and The Ethics Institute> [NOTE: This letter will be published online and will also been copied to other recipients;...
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Posted in Diamond Engagement Ring Industry, Diamonds, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Economics, Elite, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Jason Dale, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Alan Lee Millard, Chivalry is a Flaw from Within that has Given Rise to Feminism, Part 2

June 11, 2017
NCFM Member Alan Lee Millard, Chivalry is a Flaw from Within that has Given Rise to Feminism, Part 2

Chivalry is a Flaw from Within that has Given Rise to Feminism, Part 2 Alan Lee Millard There have now been several generations whose lives have been wasted due to what allowed feminism to develop and help destroy society. The reason I say what allowed is that feminism would have never occurred had it...
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Posted in Abused Men, Alan Millard, Conscription, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Military | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, Is Feminism Killing Young Boys

May 18, 2017
NCFM Member Tim Patten, Is Feminism Killing Young Boys

Is Feminism Killing Young Boys In a late-2015 TEDx talk, The Boy Crisis: A Sobering Look at the State of Our Boys, Dr. Warren Farrell discussed how those who support equality for all promote perspectives that shortchange one group, in particular: young males. Among other things, he noted that nine-year-old boys are killing themselves...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Elite, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Radical, Revolutionary, Suicide, Suicide Male, Supremist, Tim Patten | 3 Comments »

NCFM UK Member Jim Johnson, 15 Actions Men Can Take to Survive Mysandric Feminists

March 28, 2017
NCFM UK Member Jim Johnson, 15 Actions Men Can Take to Survive Mysandric Feminists

NCFM NOTE: The 15 Actions apply outside the UK too, abusive mysandric feminists (male or female) have no interest in fairness, equality or justice, social or otherwise, right? ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN IN THE UK, 15 ACTIONS TO SURVIVE, THERESA MAY AND ALISON SAUNDERS’ FEMINISTS REIGN OF TERROR  Did you know that in the United...
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Posted in Courts, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Courts Kangaroo, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, International, Jim Johnson, Victim Mentality, War Against Men | 1 Comment »