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Posts Tagged ‘ sexual assault ’

We must be free to question rape laws

November 25, 2013
We must be free to question rape laws

NCFM NOTE: Great article. After you read it please go to Spiked and leave a comment… leave one here too if you please. You might want to take a look at and falserapesociety   . We must be free to question rape laws   Feminist academics are using slurs and threats to chill the debate on rape....
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Legislation Bad, Man Bashing, Rape, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault | 2 Comments »

NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Another Ill Conceived Legislative Proposal in the making for the “Alleged” Epidemic of Sexual Assault in the Military…

November 15, 2013
NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi — Another Ill Conceived Legislative Proposal in the making for the “Alleged” Epidemic of Sexual Assault in the Military…

NCFM NOTE: Make no mistake, what Michael is talking about is nothing more than another attempt to transfer power and control to ideologues after another brainwashing attempt to convince us that there’s an epidemic of rabid rapists behind every bush, but only after expanding definitions of sexual assault including finger wagging and cat whistles...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Men, Michael Conzachi, Military, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

Rape is not ‘normalized’: expert says the vast majority of men would never commit rape

August 17, 2013
Rape is not ‘normalized’: expert says the vast majority of men would never commit rape

NCFM NOTE: From the Community of the Wrongly Accused . If you have not bookmarked their site you should. And, if the majority of men never commit rape then it follows then that the majority of women are not raped. Don’t believe feminist advocacy stats, most of which are ridiculous on their face if...
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Posted in Elite, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Myths, Other, Radical, Rape, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 5 Comments »

Activist Joe Manthey, Petaluma 360 article on rape biased

July 26, 2013
Activist Joe Manthey, Petaluma 360 article on rape biased

NCFM NOTE: not long ago Women Industries had a strangle hold on the media, articles about women making false accusations of rape were forbidden. An article like Mr. Manthey’s had as much chance of getting published as an abused man finding support services. Manthey points to shoddy Women Industry reporting techniques used to promote...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Joe Manthey | 4 Comments »

NCFM Member Michael Conzachi — The epidemic of sexual assault in the military; or lack thereof

June 5, 2013
NCFM Member Michael Conzachi — The epidemic of sexual assault in the military; or lack thereof

NCFM NOTE:  Sexual assault is wrong — period. Sexual assault resulting in injury and emotional trauma should be severely dealt with. But ever-expanding elitist feminist ideologically driven definitions can turn good soldiers into dishonorably discharged soldiers, especially male soldiers. Definitions must not include making someone ” feel uncomfortable” or telling someone they have a...
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Posted in Activities, Discrimination Against Males, False Allegations DV, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Legislation Bad, Michael Conzachi, Military, Myths, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Supremist, Uniform Code of Military Justice | No Comments »

NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

March 1, 2013
NCFM Campus Ambassador Chris Thompson reports on university kangaroo justice and how to create criminals out of innocent men

NCFM NOTE: Notice here how DOE directives gutting due process procedures coincide with the DOJ’s  lowered standards of evidence and expansive new definition of sexual assault/rape. This trick to further disenfranchise males is epic. First, expand the definition of something that is believed to be a horrific offense to women which necessarily creates more...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Chris Thompson, Definitions, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, Education, Government Programs for Women, Horrible, Legislation Bad, Radical, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, Universities, VAWA, War Against Men | 8 Comments »

Activist Joe Manthey, “Blaming Men Doesn’t Solve Domestic Violence”

March 1, 2013
Activist Joe Manthey, “Blaming Men Doesn’t Solve Domestic Violence”

Lately our community has been bombarded with a United Nations (UN) claim that “One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime.” The UN fails to cite any sources for this claim and the latest UN report Prevention of violence against women and girls. Report of the Secretary-GeneralE/CN.6/2013/4...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Feminist Spin, Myths, NCFM in the news, VAWA | No Comments »

No DNA, No Witnesses, No Evidence: Brian Banks Case Spotlights Need for Rape Reform

January 8, 2013
No DNA, No Witnesses, No Evidence: Brian Banks Case Spotlights Need for Rape Reform

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608   No DNA, No Witnesses, No Evidence: Brian Banks Case Spotlights Need for Rape Reform WASHINGTON/January 8, 2013 – The upcoming 60 Minutes appearance of Brian Banks will highlight flaws in the American criminal justice system, including laws pertaining to sexual assault. Brian Banks, who spent 5...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Due Process, Legislation Bad, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Teri Stoddard | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Paul Elam, President of A Voice For Men, “The coming military witch hunts…”

January 7, 2013
NCFM Member Paul Elam, President of A Voice For Men, “The coming military witch hunts…”

NCFM NOTE: Upon reading this article one of our board members ask us to take it down because someone might think we condone sexual assault. Well, as you can see we agreed to disagree since your are reading this. That said, anyone who thinks NCFM or any of it’s members condone sexual assault in...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, False Allegations DV, Legislation Bad, Military, Paul Elam, Rape Allegations, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Shameful, Supremist | 2 Comments »