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Posts Tagged ‘ tim patten ’

NCFM Member Tim Patten, MGTOW is Forever…

November 21, 2019

MGTOW Is Forever- The internet has enabled hundreds of thousands of males around the world to have a unique conversation about the modern men’s liberation movement. In a matter of moments, they can visit a MGTOW – Men Going Their Own Way – website, reddit or Facebook group and engage with a knowledgeable and...
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Posted in #metoo, Marriage, Marriage Strike, MGTOW, Slavery, Tim Patten | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, Sex and MGTOW

November 11, 2019

Sex and MGTOW “All men are dogs!” many women scream, raging at our relentless craving for sexual satisfaction. In some respects, they are right: from very early on, our primal urges tend to be persistent and powerful, and often take control, whether we – or the opposite sex – like it or not. Naturally,...
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Posted in MGTOW, Sex, Sex Differences, Sex drive, Tim Patten, War Against Men, war against men | 3 Comments »

NCFM Tim Patten, Teenage Boys Dating and Sex

August 26, 2019
boys dating

Teenage Boys Dating and Sex For most teen boys 12 and older, sex is everything. In fact, experts have concluded that boys think about the subject every seven seconds. It is natural for males – straight ones – often find themselves deeply attracted to the visual elements of the female persona, including their bodies...
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Posted in Boys, Dating, Sex, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, What Do Men Need Women For?

July 14, 2019

  It is common knowledge that most women are disappointed by our unwillingness or inability to maintain satisfactory relationships with them. In fact, more than a few are downright disgusted by our so-called disability. Not surprisingly, they regularly make their feelings on the subject known to others. They express frustrations or compare notes with...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Male Victims, MeToo, MGTOW, Tim Patten | 5 Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, The Men’s Revolution

January 11, 2019

Not long ago, 23-year old Zach Hing gained his sea legs in the modern counter-cultural revolution. He tore down ancient rigging, stepped into the crow’s nest, and wielded his keyboard like a swashbuckler, hacking away at anti-male propaganda and the shackles of a society that has long treated men like third-class citizens – and...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, MGTOW, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, Movie Review: The Red Pill

March 30, 2017
NCFM Member Tim Patten, Movie Review: The Red Pill

Movie Review: The Red Pill With her new documentary, feminist Cassie Jaye has napalmed an outmoded gender equality landscape into shards of dust, and remolded the smoking embers into an innovative narrative representing a modern day understanding. The Red Pill ( is a spellbinding, and occasionally shocking, journey of enlightenment and introspection. The documentary...
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Posted in Elite, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Men's Rights, Men's Rights Movement, Radical, Red Pill the Movie, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, College Masculinities Documentary: a Review, The Mask You Live In

October 17, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, College Masculinities Documentary: a Review, The Mask You Live In

College Masculinities Documentary: a Review The Mask You Live In A college professor and close friend teaches a course called “Masculinities,” which claims to explore the topic in depth. Since the subject of challenges facing modern men is a favorite of mine, nothing could stop me from diving deep into the material. I began...
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Posted in Book Reviews, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Female Privilege, Feminism, Government Programs for Women, Health Boys, Health Men, HeforShe, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Masculinity, MGTOW, Misandry, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

August 13, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

Rape and Frightened Women The editors of recommend that parents discuss intimate body parts and the subject of inappropriate touching with children when they are about three years old. The B-Inspired Mama blog suggests a more straightforward tack: We have got to put aside our differences as parents, and talk more about this...
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Posted in 1 in 4 Women, CA SB 967, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, CASA, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Gender Politics, Man Bashing, Myths, Radical, Rape, Rape Culture, Rape in the Military, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sex, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Supremist, Tim Patten, Victim Female, Victim Male, War Against Men, Yes Means Yes | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Masculinity Deconstructed, Liberated and Unchained”

July 13, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Masculinity Deconstructed, Liberated and Unchained”

Masculinity Deconstructed, Liberated and Unchained A recent episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher featured an interview with Rebecca Traister, feminist and author of All the Single Ladies, who sang praises for the book’s themes of the rise of independent women and gender equality. Among other things, she noted that more than 50...
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Posted in Authors, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, MGTOW, Tim Patten, War Against Men | 2 Comments »