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NCFM Profile #2; VP and Adviser Marc E. Angelucci, Improving Men’s Lives the Legal Way

August 10, 2019

NCFM NOTE: This is the second in a series of profiles of our Advisers, the first being for Julie Brand. We hope to profile one Adviser every 10 to 12 months or as time permits. We are indebted to NCFM Member Michael Sirak for working with our Advisers and writing their profiles, which takes...
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Posted in Advocacy, Attorrney, Celebrity, Michael Sirak | 1 Comment »

NCFM Adviser Gordon E. Finley, PhD., Narratives aren’t science

July 24, 2019

NCFM NOTE: How does junk science relate to men’s issues, women studies, domestic violence statistics, sexual assault data and false accusations? Think about it… By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – – Tuesday, July 23, 2019 ANALYSIS/OPINION: Of the many tragedies that have befallen our society in recent decades, in my view the one that most...
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Posted in Advocacy, Advocacy Research, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Gordon Finley, Ph.D | No Comments »

NCFM 2018 Recipient of our Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Men’s Issues, Mark Perry Ph.D

April 11, 2019
mark perry

  Mark Perry is concurrently a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan-Flint. Dr. Perry risked his career and reputation by standing up for common decency and common sense. He is an outspoken advocate for ensuring that college men are treated equitably. He...
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Posted in Advocacy, Harry Crouch, NCFM | 2 Comments »