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Posts Tagged ‘ father’s rights ’

Birth Fathers + Adoptions: Inequality in Parental Rights

February 7, 2014
Birth Fathers + Adoptions: Inequality in Parental Rights

NCFM NOTE: This article, published in the DC Bar, shows the history of paternity registers and their diabolical nature. Often overlooked in efforts to deny bio dads their children are health related issues related to heredity. It’s important for children to know what health risks they may inherit from their birth father. Of course, that’s...
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Posted in Adoption, Discrimination Against Men, Double Standard, Father's Rights, Parental Rights | 1 Comment »

This is what happens when state family law workgroups and commissions end up with members dependent upon government for their boat payments…

October 10, 2013
This is what happens when state family law workgroups and commissions end up with members dependent upon government for their boat payments…

NCFM NOTE:  The Fatherhood Coalition of Massachusetts was largely responsible for Governor Patrick convening a work-group to review state family law. The letter below makes one wonder if the good Governor appointed people to the work-group who he knew or should have known would sabotage its intent and protect the interests of stakeholders who...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Father's Rights, Fathers, Health Men | No Comments »

NCFM Member Elijah Ward, the third installment in a continuing series, “How to Eat a Guardian ad Litem for lunch”

October 27, 2012
NCFM Member Elijah Ward, the third installment in a continuing series, “How to Eat a Guardian ad Litem for lunch”

After the fathers in New Hampshire got together in recent years via social media, we came to realize that even though the facts of our cases were different, the courts treated our cases in similar ways.  Sequential actions were conducted that first took our children away in secret hearings that we had no recourse...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Child Custody, Children's' Rights, Corruption, Courts Family, Elijah Ward | 1 Comment »

Access to justice — a panel discussion re Turner v. Rogers and ramifications for child support

July 31, 2012
Access to justice — a panel discussion re Turner v. Rogers and ramifications for child support

Panel Sponsored by Office of Child Support Enforcement and Department of Justice Access to Justice Initiative (Also see: “A panel of experts discusses the critical messages from Turner v. Rogers and its implications for child support. Turner v. Rogers requires states in civil contempt proceedings to provide procedures that ensure a fundamentally fair...
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Posted in Child Support, Courts Appellate, Discrimination Against Men, Due Process, Progress | 8 Comments »

NCFM President Harry Crouch – Father’s on Edge, Poytner’s Ommission and Supremist Feminist Influence in Reporting

July 30, 2012
NCFM President Harry Crouch – Father’s on Edge, Poytner’s Ommission and Supremist Feminist Influence in Reporting

First, I am fairly happy Dad. I’ve never been beaten and battered by the Family Law System like the hundreds if not thousands of disenfranchised fathers with whom I’ve had contact or directly worked, but I know it happens. I’ve been in court and witnessed such pummeling’s more times than I can possibly recall....
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Posted in Abused Man, Activities, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Father's Rights, Harry Crouch, Men's Rights, Suicide, Suicide Murder, Supremist | 10 Comments »

NCFM Acting NY Chapter President Eric Ross reports on out of control family court judge

July 6, 2012
NCFM Acting NY Chapter President Eric Ross reports on out of control family court judge

Family Court Judge verbally abusing, threatening and intimidating a litigant, a pastor in the local church by Eric Ross West Virginia, WINFIELD, Putnam County  – Watch how this abusive family court judge screams his head off at a pastor in his courtroom, repeatedly threatens and berates him, then throws the book at him. Presumably,...
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Posted in Abused Man, Activities, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Men, Divorce, Eric Ross, Ph.D, Persecution | 3 Comments »

NCFM Board Member Fred Sottile panelist at third annual BOND Men’s Conference

July 6, 2012

BOND Men’s Conference The Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND) had a successful 3rd Annual Fatherhood and Men’s Conference last Saturday (6/16) in Los Angeles. The auditorium was standing room only as men of all ages and races gathered at the BOND headquarters during Father’s Day weekend. The conference began with a powerful...
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Posted in Activities, Fathers' Day, Fred Sottile, Health Boys, Health Men, Mens' Organizations, Progress | 3 Comments »

NCFM Award Winner Barbara Kay: Britain strikes first major blow for fathers rights

June 22, 2012
NCFM Award Winner Barbara Kay: Britain strikes first major blow for fathers rights

NOTE: This is huge! And, it is one giant step in the right direction for the rights of men, fathers, children, families, and all sensible women; that is, most of us. As usual Barbara Kay gives us a stunning report…thanks again Barbara for being you. Let us pray that the voices of reason drown...
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Posted in Activities, Child Custody, International, Legislation Good, Progress | 3 Comments »

NCFM award winner Barbara Kay’s NY Daily News article, A Father’s Day downer

June 18, 2012
NCFM award winner Barbara Kay’s NY Daily News article, A Father’s Day downer

NCFM NOTE – All fathers should be thankful for wonderful people like Barbara Kay. Barbara was nominated for and accepted NCFM’s 2009 Award for Excellence In Promoting Gender Fairness In The Media In recognition of her very well-written articles supporting Men’s Rights, including articles that dispute the alleged pay gap, and articles that expose...
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Posted in Abused Man, Activities, Child Abuse, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Employment Men, Employment Women, Event Males, False Allegations DV, Fathers, Fathers' Day, Government Programs for Women, Marriage, Media Bias, Myths, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 6 Comments »