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Posts Tagged ‘ wage gap ’

NCFM Mr. Manners Solves the Genders Wage Gap (satire)

March 26, 2022
wage gap

Dear Mr. Manners: When we talk about the wage gap for full time workers, do we mean the $65,902 median income white families earn compared to the S126,705 earned by India Americans (List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income)?  Meaning, white families earn about 52 cents for every dollar of those American’s who...
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Posted in Mr. Manners, Wage Gap | No Comments »

NCFM PRESS RELEASE calls on Candidates to Stop Spewing Gender Pay Gap Myth

January 29, 2016
NCFM PRESS RELEASE calls on Candidates to Stop Spewing Gender Pay Gap Myth NCFM calls on Candidates to Stop Spewing Gender Pay Gap Myth The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) calls on Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and all other candidates to be honest about the gender “pay gap.” Claiming that women “earn less” without explaining why is misleading and dishonest. The Department of Labor funded a...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Feminism, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Myths, NCFM, NCFM, NCFM in the news, Obama Administration, Politicians County/Borough/Local, Politicians Federal, Politicians International, Politicians State, Press Release, Press Release NCFM, Wage Gap | 8 Comments »

NCFM Adviser Richard Driscoll, PhD, “Behind the Gender Pay Gap”

September 3, 2015
NCFM Adviser Richard Driscoll, PhD, “Behind the Gender Pay Gap”

By NCFM Behind the Gender Pay Gap At the recent Iowa State Fair gathering, candidate Carly Fiorina was asked if she for equal pay for equal work. She answered yes, of course, and turned to singe Hillary Clinton for advocating equal pay but not practicing it with her own staff. The equal pay issue promises...
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Posted in Glass Ceiling, Glass Floor, Richard Driscoll (Dr D), Wage Gap, War Against Men, Would You Meet Me Halfway | No Comments »

NCFM Chicago Chapter President Tim Goldich, the Intrinsic Value Gap, Man Against the Wall

June 24, 2015
NCFM Chicago Chapter President Tim Goldich, the Intrinsic Value Gap, Man Against the Wall

By NCFM NCFM NOTE: Beyond the discredited wage gap, the intrinsic value gap, Goldich’s best… His fourth video in a series and each one gets stronger and stronger. So to is our movement because of many good-hearted caring men like Tim. The “wage gap” pales in light of the intrinsic value gap, the IVG, which contributes...
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Posted in Chicago, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Men, Intrinsic Value Gap, It All Balances Out, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM Chicago, Tim Goldich, Wage Gap, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM Adisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, Paycheck Fairness Act: The Big Lie

April 10, 2014
NCFM Adisor Gordon Finley, Ph.D, Paycheck Fairness Act:  The Big Lie

Paycheck Fairness Act:  The Big Lie Sadly, the Obama administration  has told so many lies about men and women it is hard to know how low it will go.  The baseless 77 cents on the dollar and equal pay for equal work lies are excellent examples of The Big Lie Propaganda Technique since the work...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Discrimination Against Men, Gordon Finley, Ph.D, Wage Gap, War Against Men | No Comments »

How a one-man-band activist helps defeat elitist feminist lies, NCFM Member Daniel Arp

June 14, 2013
How a one-man-band activist helps defeat elitist feminist lies, NCFM Member Daniel Arp

NCFM NOTE: People often ask what they can do to help defeat feminist lies, help change the lopsided gender imbalance that disadvantages men in almost all areas of our culture and society. One person can do much. NCFM member Daniel Arp has been a one man band with bunny batteries for years. He regularly...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Activities, Feminism, Feminist Spin, Myths, News, Radical, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

May 30, 2013
The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

NCFM NOTE: For MRA’s this is old news. We see articles like this, smile, and wonder what took others so long to see the truth. It’s all about disenfranchising men while empowering women… fortunately more and more people are starting to figure that out. Feminist notions of equal treatment gave way to elitist feminist...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Myths, Other, Supremist, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

NCFM Adviser Dr. Warren Farrell on CBC Lang & O’Leary explaining why women earn more…

February 27, 2013
NCFM Adviser Dr. Warren Farrell on CBC Lang & O’Leary explaining why women earn more…

Author explains why men earn more Warren Farrell says choices in life are often the cause of lower pay Women are systemically underpaid in part because they consciously or unknowingly make choices in their careers that lead to being paid less down the line, an author and educator says. Warren Farrell, author of a...
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Posted in Activities, Wage Gap | 1 Comment »

NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq., comments on Berlin Conference on Male Troubles

November 6, 2012
NCFM VP Marc Angelucci, Esq., comments on Berlin Conference on Male Troubles

Again, they’re way ahead of us.  “Men in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have all come together in their respective countries in recent years to establish associations focusing on problems facing males and the Austrian Labor Ministry has even created a section devoted specifically to the subject. In 2004, the ministry held the first ever...
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Posted in Conference Men, Discrimination Against Males, Equitable, Europe Eastern, Europe Western, Feminism, International, Libertarian, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Progress, Radical, Supremist, Wage Gap | 2 Comments »