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Posts Tagged ‘ war against men ’

NCFM Supports Gunnar Kunz and Gender Empathy Pay Gap Day

January 18, 2024
NCFM Supports Gunnar Kunz and Gender Empathy Pay Gap Day

Hello, My name is Gunnar Kunz, and I have been working on men’s and boys’ issues in Germany for many years. In this context, I initiated the “Gender Empathy Gap Day” in 2018, because I am convinced that the lack of empathy towards men is the core of today’s misandry. This day takes place...
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Posted in Advocacy, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, NCFM | No Comments »

NCFM Twin Cities Chapter Press Release – Boys Need Male Teachers More than Tampons

January 23, 2023

MEDIA ADVISORY / PRESS RELEASE Contact: Will Hageman – Twin Cities Chapter – – Harry Crouch – NCFM – 619-231-1909/858-682-3586 – – January 22, 2023 Boys Need Male Teachers More than Tampons – National Coalition For Men (St. Paul, MN) Minnesota State Representative Sandra Feist wants tampon dispensers in boys’...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Diversity, Education, NCFM, Schools Middle and High, sexual harassment, Shameful, supremist feminism, Twin Cities, war against men, Woke, Women Organizations | No Comments »

NCFM Member Matthew Feehan article, Selective Service Commission recommends elimination of male-only registration, published in Reserve and National Guard Magazine

April 4, 2020
NCFM Member Matthew Feehan, Selective Service Commission recommends elimination of male-only registration published in Reserve and National Guard Magazin

Chairman Joseph J. Heck, Vice chair for Military Service, Debra Wada, Vice Chair for National and Public Service, and their fellow commissioners comprising published their final report to Congress. In the Commission’s 255-page report, a plethora of important recommendations are made to Congress ranging from improving agencies’ hiring tools for military members by avoiding...
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Posted in Corruption, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Government Programs, Government Programs for Women, Matthew Feehan, Men, Selective Service | 2 Comments »

NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect.

March 29, 2020
NCFM PR Director Steven Svoboda book review, The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect.

The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect. By William Collins. London: LPS Publishing, 2019. 675 pages. No price information on book; amazon gives price as $33.50. Review by J. Steven Svoboda. Retired engineer and physicist William Collins has published a truly remarkable book. Be warned, at nearly 600 pages of...
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Posted in Book Reviews, Books, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Steven Svoboda, Esq. | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Jim Jackson, “Women for SoAndSo” no “Men for Anyone” presidential campaigns

February 26, 2020
NCFM Member Jim Jackson, “Women for SoAndSo” no “Men for Anyone” political ads

I’ve noticed that there are a lot of “Women for SoAndSo” signs at campaign rallies. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen any “Men for SoAndSo” signs. So I decided to investigate this sexism. I checked the official websites of the major candidates to find all of the gender specific merchandise available. I found...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Jim Jackson, Political Correctness, Politicians Federal | 1 Comment »

NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Post Traumatic Stress and Injustice and Dear PTSD: Letter From A Military Wife To The Condition Destroying Her Family

January 3, 2020
NCFM Adviser Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., Post Traumatic Stress and Injustice and Dear PTSD: Letter From A Military Wife To The Condition Destroying Her Family

  NCFM NOTE: This did not get published timely. But, it’s important so we are publishing it now. Post Traumatic Stress and Injustice February 22, 2019 The letter below describing the experience of the wife of a Navy corpsman with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was originally posted in July 2012. Inasmuch as the...
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Posted in Charles Corry, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Military | 1 Comment »

NCFM update, Vladek Filler’s written testimony for the State of Maine Judiciary Committee concerning prosecutorial corruption

December 19, 2019
Vladek Filler

NCFM NOTE: Vladek Filler is a true American hero. He immigrated to American believing in our advertised freedoms and rights like due process, innocent until proven guilty and the rule of law. He found it, but it took over 12 years defending himself against false accusations, prosecutorial misconduct and a legal system corrupted by...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Court Cases, Courts, Courts Corrupt, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Industry, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Family Law, Female Perpetrators, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Gynocentrism, Harry Crouch, Misandry, NCFM, Radical, Rape Allegations, Revolutionary, Sexual Assault, Supremist, Victory | No Comments »

NCFM center stage in, DOE launches investigation into Georgetown for alleged anti-male discrimination

December 18, 2019
NCFM center stage in, DOE launches investigation into Georgetown for alleged anti-male discrimination

This article first published December 6, 2019 by Campus Reform. Mary Rose Corkery Texas Campus Correspondent @corkery_mrose on Dec 06, 2019 at 4:19 PM EDT The Department of Education is investigating Georgetown University after allegations of sex discrimination made in an official inquiry by the National Coalition for Men. Allegations include, but aren’t limited...
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Posted in Abused Men, Dept of Education, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Diversity, Elite, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Gendercide, Government Programs for Women, Gynocentrism, Hate Mongering, Hate Speech, Man Bashing, Misandry, Murder, Other, Radical, Revolutionary, Scandal, Shameful, Supremist, Uncategorized, Universities | No Comments »

NCFM Award Winner Mark Perry, updates on my efforts to advance civil rights for all in higher education by exposing the clear double-standards based on sex

August 28, 2019
Mark Perry

August 22, 2019 12:35 pm | AEIdeas About the author Mark J. Perry @Mark_J_Perry Mark J. Perry is concurrently a scholar at AEI and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus. He is best known as the creator and editor of the popular economics blog Carpe Diem. At...
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Posted in Boy's Crisis, Boys and Men in Education, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Diversity, Double Standard, Education, Mark Perry, Title IX | 2 Comments »