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Posts Tagged ‘ male victims ’

NCFM Australia Liaison Greg Andresen’s Testimony Before a Joint Select Committee Regarding Domestic Violence, Male Victims and Coercive Control

May 24, 2021
NCFM Australia Liaison Greg Andresen’s Testimony Before a Joint Select Committee Regarding Domestic Violence, Male Victims and Coercive Control

  1IN3’s appearance before the NSW Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control The joint select committee was established on 21st October 2020 to inquire into and report on coercive control in domestic relationships. In conducting the inquiry, the committee is to consider the NSW Government discussion paper on coercive control and answer the questions posed in the...
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Posted in 1 in 4 Women, Abused Men, Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Diversity, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Greg Andresen | No Comments »

NCFM, Johnny Depp appears to be innocent of Amber Heard’s accusations of abuse

February 12, 2020
NCFM, Johnny Depp appears to be innocent of Amber Heard’s accusations of abuse

Audiotape reveals actor Johnny Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard committed domestic violence against Depp, not the other way around. February 9, 2020 by NCFM In the sometimes bizarro world of Hollywood and it’s never ending stream of colorful characters, some very interesting news slithered out. Actor Johnny Depp made world news in 2016 when his...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Celebrity, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Due Process, Duluth Power/Control, Elite, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, False Arrest, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Gender Equality, Gender Politics, Intimate Partner Violence, Male Victims, MeToo, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM, Radical, Revolutionary, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Supremist, supremist feminism, Victim Male, Victimhood, Violence Against Women Act | 3 Comments »

NCFM Chicago Chapter President Tim Goldich, Loving Men/Respecting Women

February 6, 2020
NCFM Chicago Chapter President Tim Goldich, Loving Men/Respecting Women

Feminism often works emotion; in this essay I will respond in kind. I will imagine myself falling through the air, legs spread wide. I land on a two-by-four plank of wood. My testicles are crushed; my agony, indescribable. I now imagine an audience erupting with laughter. At times, that’s how it feels to be...
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Posted in Abused Men, Boy's Crisis, Boys and Men in Education, Chicago, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Tim Goldich | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, Reducing Domestic Violence: Reengineering the Male Behavioral Health System

October 11, 2017
NCFM Member Tim Patten, Reducing Domestic Violence: Reengineering the Male Behavioral Health System

When a man is convicted of beating his wife, he is jailed, hit with big fines, and required to pay for anger management and other such services to prevent it from happening again. Because of what he did, many would say he deserves no sympathy and got just what he deserved. But what if...
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Posted in Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Tim Patten | 1 Comment »

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen, New Research Finds One in Three Family Violence Victims are Male

December 9, 2016
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen, New Research Finds One in Three Family Violence Victims are Male

New research into Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia finds that one in three victims are male New research by the Violence Prevention Group at the School of Psychology, Deakin University, investigating Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia, surveyed a representative sample of 5,118 Australians and found that males accounted for between 11% and 37% of victims...
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Posted in Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Greg Andresen | No Comments »

NCFM Member James Jackson, The Real Sexual Double Standard

October 13, 2016
NCFM Member James Jackson, The Real Sexual Double Standard

The Real Sexual Double Standard By James Jackson Women complain that there is a sexual double standard, that men are allowed to be sexual and that women are sexually restricted. But, it is quite the opposite. Male sexuality is increasingly becoming despicable, contemptible, and illegal, while women’s sexuality continues to be glorified. Consider, for...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Dating, Differences Between Men and Women, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, False Allegations, Female Abusers, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Harassment Sexual, Hate Speech, Jim Jackson, Male Privilege, Male Victims, Male Victims of Sexual Assault, Man Bashing, Matriarchy, Media Bias, Men's Rights, Men's Rights Movement, MGTOW, Misandry, Politicians Federal, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Revolutionary, Sex, Sex Differences, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sex drive, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Shameful, Supremist, Victim Male, Victim Mentality, Victim Rights, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM Liaison Greg Andresen announces HUGE news, $13 million in funding for services for male victims!

August 13, 2016
NCFM Liaison Greg Andresen announces HUGE news, $13 million in funding for services for male victims!

NCFM NOTE: This is  HUGE NEWS and hopefully the beginning of a movement that will spread rapidly, though given what’s happening in the USA less optimism is surely warranted. Regardless, without the dedication, drive, and commitment of Mr. Andresen and advocates like him Down Under would never have happened in our life times. So,...
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Posted in Australia, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Victims, Government Programs, Greg Andresen, Legislation Good, Male Victims, Men's Rights Movement, One In Three Campaign | 3 Comments »

NCFM Carolinas invites you to their Forum on Campus Sexual Assault, Due Process and Consent

July 1, 2016
NCFM Carolinas invites you to their Forum on Campus Sexual Assault, Due Process and Consent

  Hello, You are invited to the following event:NCFM Carolinas: Forum on Campus Sexual Assault, Due Process and Consent   Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Monday, August 1, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (EDT) Central Piedmont Community College – Central Campus Central High Building – Room...
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Posted in Campus Accountability and Safety Act, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Due Process, Education, Event, Event Males, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, Feminist Hypocracy, Fraternities, Gender Equality, Gender Politics, Good Men, Men's Rights, Men's Rights Movement, Mens' Organizations, Mens' Stories, MRA, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM Accomplishment, NCFM Carolinas, NCFM First, NCFM North Carolinas, Rape, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape on Campus, Schools Colleges and Universities, Senator Kristen Gillibrand, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Title IX, VAWA, Victim Male, Victim Mentality, Violence Against Women Act, War Against Men, WH Council on Men and Boys, Women get it all | 1 Comment »

NCFM Members participate as presenters at Los Angeles conference on male victims of sexual assault and abuse

August 1, 2015
NCFM Members participate as presenters at Los Angeles conference on male victims of sexual assault and abuse

By NCFM On Friday, July 17, 2015 several NCFM members spoke at the first SCRIPT Conference devoted to stigma associated with male victims of sexual assault and abuse. This is the first conference of which we are aware given over to male victims and survivors. Some of the presentations were captured on video. Links to two of the videos are...
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Posted in Abused Man, Abused Men, Domestic Violence Against Men, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Harry Crouch, Male Victims, Male Victims of Sexual Assault, Marc Angelucci, Esq., Martin Fiebert, Michael Conzachi, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, Paternity Fraud, SCRIPT, Sexual Assault, Victim Male | No Comments »