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Posts Tagged ‘ sex discrimination ’

Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

October 24, 2011
Media focus on rapes and other female miseries while ignoring male executions, worked-to-death laborers, tortured prisoners, and nine-year-old boy soldiers trained to kill and be killed.

The Global Victim by Tim Goldich President, NCFM Chicago Chapter An excerpt from Tim’s new book  Loving Men Respecting Women Rape of Man It is overwhelming enough to try and grasp gender reality here in our own culture without presuming to understand gender reality within foreign cultures that are alien to us. Convincing the...
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Posted in Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Government Programs for Women, International, Military, Myths, Sexism, Shameful, Tim Goldich, Victim Rights | 14 Comments »


October 17, 2011

Fathers’ Day in Democratic Republic of Georgia! Saturday, October 15th, is Fathers’ Day here in Georgia (as in Russia rather than next to Alabama)! As some of you may recall, I petitioned the Georgian Parliament to create a Father’s Day, or turn March 3rd (currently Mother’s Day) into Parent’s Day.  You can get more...
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Posted in Action, Carl Augustsson, Event Males, Progress | 1 Comment »

European Union’s first men’s health report reveals dismal status of male deaths

September 29, 2011
European Union’s first men’s health report reveals dismal status of male deaths

According to a article in Men’s Health Forum, data from a massive study reported in the State of Men’s Health in Europe, shows that European men’s health is dismal compared to European women. MHF listed the key findings from the Report’s press release: Although men are living longer that ever before, the current decline...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Health Men | 1 Comment »

State won’t press perjury charges against maid for false rape charges

August 19, 2011
State won’t press perjury charges against maid for false rape charges

Mumbai Surabhi Vaya, Hindustan Times Mumbai, August 18, 2011 The state has decided not to proceed with perjury charges against the domestic help of Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja, convicted of rape, who had turned hostile during the trial after claiming that the actor had raped her. Public prosecutor Kashinath Dige told the Hindustan Times...
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Posted in Courts Criminal, Discrimination Against Males, Rape Allegations | 1 Comment »

NCFM complaint helps in probable cause finding that Maine’s Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett’s conduct should be subject to sanction!

August 9, 2011
NCFM complaint helps in probable cause finding that Maine’s Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett’s conduct should be subject to sanction!

NCFM filed a grievance against one of the State of Maine’s Assistant District Attorney, Mary Kellett. The grievance was filed primarily because NCFM and many others believed Kellett’s behavior violated the Maine Bar Rules.  We all felt that she persecuted rather than prosecuted certain people including Vladek Filler, a man falsely accused of spousal...
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Posted in Action, Court Cases, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, False Allegations DV, National, Progress, Rape Allegations, Sexual Assault, Supremist | 8 Comments »

NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

August 1, 2011
NCFM Members Helping Our Troops

Amongst other activities, the nonprofit organization Honoring Our Troops packs care packages for our troops. Three NCFM members are directly involved with Honoring Our Troops, two of who are key to the organizations success (Rich and Allan). The other is me. They let me help with things not to complicated. Honoring Our Troops staff...
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Posted in Action, Conscription, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Forced Labor, Military, Selective Service, Shameful | 1 Comment »

NCFM distributes another flyer throughout Congress — “Where’s the Outrage”

July 28, 2011
NCFM distributes another flyer throughout Congress — “Where’s the Outrage”

This is the last in a continuing series of flyers that NCFM has distributed to all members of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate, applicable committees, and members of the President’s administration, as applicable. In conjunction with like-minded organizations currently, diligently, and effectively educating our policy makers of the importance of equitable...
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Posted in Action, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, National, Radical, Sexism, Supremist, Victim Mentality | 4 Comments »

NCFM Chicago Chapter President and author says “It all balances out” — Value vs. Validity

July 28, 2011
NCFM Chicago Chapter President and author says “It all balances out” — Value vs. Validity

My book—Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics—is all about convincing the reader that It All Balances Out—which is to say, in the benefits enjoyed and in the liabilities suffered, in the power and in the victimization, in the freedoms and in the constraints, it all balances out between Man and Woman....
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Posted in Chicago, Discrimination Against Males, Health Men, Health Women, Mens' Organizations, Victim Rights | 4 Comments »

Talking about deadbeat moms is politically incorrect

July 22, 2011
Talking about deadbeat moms is politically incorrect

I came across this article in my files and thought someone might find it interesting. I have a few more that are not archived on the Internet. I might post of few of those too. Notice how the title of the article is as true today as it was 16 ago… sorry about the...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Fathers' Day, Myths, Radical, Supremist | 9 Comments »