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Posts Tagged ‘ child support ’

Texas jails a man for six months for paying child support…

January 22, 2014
Texas jails a man for six months for paying child support…

In June of 2013 Texas repealed a long-standing law preventing courts from holding people in contempt for falling behind in child support if they paid up. No more. Now, Texas judges can throw a person in the slammer when their child support payments are current, maximum sentence six months in jail plus fees. From...
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Posted in Alimony, Child Custody, Child Support, Judges Bad | 2 Comments »


July 14, 2013

REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: A MORE COMPLETE EXAMINATION By Deborah Watkins NCFM Treasurer                  So often any discussion about reproductive choices as they affect both genders immediately goes straight to the abortion issue. The discussion then turns into a debate between pro-life and pro-choice ideologies, and completely bypasses the broad spectrum of issues which affect...
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Posted in Action, Activism, Child Abduction, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's' Rights, Choice, Contraception, Discrimination Against Males, Double Standard, Entitlements, Government Programs for Women, Paternity, Paternity Fraud, Paternity Wrongful | 4 Comments »

Access to justice — a panel discussion re Turner v. Rogers and ramifications for child support

July 31, 2012
Access to justice — a panel discussion re Turner v. Rogers and ramifications for child support

Panel Sponsored by Office of Child Support Enforcement and Department of Justice Access to Justice Initiative (Also see: “A panel of experts discusses the critical messages from Turner v. Rogers and its implications for child support. Turner v. Rogers requires states in civil contempt proceedings to provide procedures that ensure a fundamentally fair...
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Posted in Child Support, Courts Appellate, Discrimination Against Men, Due Process, Progress | 8 Comments »

Rape victims should not have to pay their abusers, nor should other crime victims like Justin Bieber, Catherine Kieu’s husband, or the millions of paternity fraud victims.

November 4, 2011
Rape victims should not have to pay their abusers, nor should other crime victims like Justin Bieber, Catherine Kieu’s husband, or the millions of paternity fraud victims.

Crime victims should not have to pay their abusers! For two days now I’ve listened to morning talk jock Chip Franklin’s incessant rant and “outrage” over the Chrystal Harris spousal rape case. Her husband was unemployed, losing it mentally, it was a horrible time, I didn’t know what to do, she said. He threatened...
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Posted in Court Cases, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Genital Mutilation, Government Programs for Women, Harry Crouch, Legislation Bad, Legislation Good, Murder, Perps Female, Title IV, Victim Compensation, Victim Rights | 2 Comments »

Attorney says the Turner v. Rogers Supreme Court case good for child support payors

September 30, 2011

Attorney Sam Assini provided commentary to ACFC on the Turner v. Rogers Supreme Court decision rendered earlier this year concerning the incarceration of indigent child support obligors. This is an excellent article. Mr. Assini asserts that the decision provides some safeguards for payors. Well worth the read. If you are interested in children or fathers’...
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Posted in Child Support, Courts Appellate, Courts Family, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Males, Progress | No Comments »

“Two and a Half Men” star Jon Cryer and the California Courts

September 2, 2011
“Two and a Half Men” star Jon Cryer and the California Courts

On August 31st the Courthouse News Service announced that a California appeals court affirmed the lower court ruling that “Two and a Half Men” star Jon Cryer must keep paying ex-wife actress Sarah Trigger Cryer $8,000 a month in child support, even though the child is in Jon’s custody, Sarah also had a child...
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Posted in Child Custody, Child Support, Courts Appellate, Courts Family, Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Supremist | 30 Comments »

Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

August 1, 2011
Letter from NCFM “old timer” to new NCFM member regarding men’s rights activism

The following letter resulted from an inquiry from a new NCFM member (by the way, if you have not joined NCFM you may as well do it now, just click on the join NCFM button to the right and help us help you make the world a better place for all of us…): NCFM...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Child Custody, Child Support, Children's' Rights, Circumcision, Conscription, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Dowry Laws, Education, False Allegations DV, Genital Mutilation, Health Boys, Health Men, Immigration law, Los Angeles, Paternity Fraud, Paternity Wrongful, Pay Gap, Rape Allegations, Ray Blumhorst, Reproductive Rights Men, Selective Service, Sexism, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Title IV, Title IX, Victim Rights | No Comments »

Man who owed child support so badly beaten officials feared for his life.

May 18, 2011
Man who owed child support so badly beaten officials feared for his life.

Federal inmate vs. dad in jail NOTE from NCFM: Interestingly the Internet version leaves out information about the judge found in the article below. She, the judge, gives this almost beaten to death man two whole days to report to an employment agency after being released from the hospital. To subject parents in arrears...
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Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments »

Around the World – Men’s Rights Movements

April 15, 2011

Updated April 2011 ALPHA PHI ALPHA Black fraternity wants White House Council on Men and Boys AUSTRALIA Australian Men’s Rights Agency ENGLAND Meanwhile British Men Finally Get Their Say INDIA Harassed men, kin to hit streets Divorce Rights Unite Husbands ‘Harrassed” Husbands Plan Struggle Against Biased Laws Boys Fight for Freedom Now, is That Malevolence? Mens...
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Posted in Issues | 22 Comments »