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Posts Tagged ‘ joe biden ’

NCFM Adviser Warren Farrell opinion piece in NEWSWEEK magazine, A Gender Policy Council That’s Sexist…and Racist

February 15, 2021
NCFM Adviser Warren Farrell opinion piece in NEWSWEEK magazine, A Gender Policy Council That’s Sexist…and Racist

On 2/15/21 at 6:00 AM EST Opinion Joe Biden White House Gender Boys Every new president vows to heal the very divide his party and opponents have spent the last year and billions of dollars magnifying. Invariably, the plea translates into “unify by agreeing with me.” One of President Joe Biden‘s first policies appeared...
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Posted in Abused Men, Boy's Crisis, Boys, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Feminist Hypocracy, Joe Biden, Other | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Jim Jackson, “Women for SoAndSo” no “Men for Anyone” presidential campaigns

February 26, 2020
NCFM Member Jim Jackson, “Women for SoAndSo” no “Men for Anyone” political ads

I’ve noticed that there are a lot of “Women for SoAndSo” signs at campaign rallies. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen any “Men for SoAndSo” signs. So I decided to investigate this sexism. I checked the official websites of the major candidates to find all of the gender specific merchandise available. I found...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Jim Jackson, Political Correctness, Politicians Federal | 1 Comment »

NCFM Mr. Manners, More Biden Babble and the Violence Against Men Act (SATIRE)

November 18, 2017
NCFM Mr. Manners, More Biden Babble and the Violence Against Men Act (SATIRE)

Dear Mr. Manners: A few days ago, Joe Biden mentioned that he has not yet decided whether he will run for President in 2020.  It is time for the “National Coalition For Men”  to give him that extra push, by endorsing him to be our next Commander-in-Chief. Men’s advocates have criticized Biden for his...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Against Women, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Mr. Manners, VAWA, Violence Against Women Act | No Comments »

NCFM Member Ron Collins, “VAWA Fraud: Portrait in CATASTROPHIC FAILURE”

November 12, 2015
NCFM Member Ron Collins, “VAWA Fraud: Portrait in CATASTROPHIC FAILURE”

As some readers may know, I have been monitoring the Justice Department’s audit reports on recipients of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) federal grants, for over three years now. I chose to place an emphasis on the fiscal activities of these organizations for many reasons. My own objections, to a system of programs that...
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Posted in Abused Men, Government Programs for Women, Ron Collins, VAWA | 2 Comments »

NCFM sends letter to Congress to Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s War on Men

December 15, 2012
NCFM sends letter to Congress to Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s War on Men

The “War on Women” essentially is a power and control grab and guilt trip diversion by the National Organization of Women (NOW) cartel.  No one is waging war on women. However, it is impossible to rationally conclude that political forces are not waging “War on Men.” The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is center...
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Posted in Action, Activities, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Harry Crouch, Man Bashing, Radical, Title IX, VAWA, Victim Male, Victim Rights, War Against Men, War Against Women | No Comments »

Biden Babble and the Dancing Fool

July 15, 2012
Biden Babble and the Dancing Fool

This article was first published August 2008. It was last updated in November 2011. It could use some refreshing, but it is still enlightening considering that the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization is stalled in Congress. Doing that took considerable, deliberate, and concerted effort by many people and several organizations. NCFM played a larger...
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Posted in Activities, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Harry Crouch, Legislation Bad | 8 Comments »

From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed

March 5, 2012
From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed

From its Inception to its Essence, VAWA is the Fraud of the Millennia and Must Be Repealed By Eric Ross, Ph.D. March 02, 2012 How did VAWA, the most unconstitutional, sexist legislation, became adopted and why? – In the January 24, 2000 issue of the U. S. News, on p. 12, a syndicated columnist...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Legislation Bad, VAWA | 14 Comments »

NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

November 15, 2011
NCFM Advisor Gordon Finley says males need help too. War and the rape of men.

“Males need help, too America has had a Violence Against Women Act since 1994.  Most Americans also are vaguely aware that men are raped in prison, men are raped in the military, and that boys and men are raped by religious leaders as well as in K-12 and at the university level by both...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Genital Mutilation, Harry Crouch, Sexism, Shameful | 1 Comment »

The Television Hit “Glee”, Season One, Episode 15, the Female Power, Wage Gap, Lies, and Feminist Propaganda

October 26, 2011
The Television Hit “Glee”, Season One, Episode 15, the Female Power, Wage Gap, Lies, and Feminist Propaganda

By NCFM Member Steve DeLuca I have been watching these very talented young performers after hearing what a great show Glee is.  I have enjoyed it most of the time except for the guys being pretty weak and dorky too often while pretending that some of them are tough and the girls are always...
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Posted in Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Employment, Sexism, Steve DeLuca, Television | No Comments »