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NCFM Award Winner Wendy McElroy, Rape Culture Hysteria, Ain’t I a Woman

September 21, 2016
NCFM Award Winner Wendy McElroy, Rape Culture Hysteria, Ain’t I a Woman

NCFM NOTE: With permission, we are excited to share the preface to Wendy McElroy’s newest book Rape Culture Hysteria. The outline of the book is here as a PDF. Additionally, we will soon publish Chapter Five: Comparison of the Key Surveys Regarding Rape, Why Do Rape Statistics Vary So Widely? Introduction, arguably the most comprehensive analysis of related...
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Posted in CA SB 967, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, CASA, Courts, Courts Criminal, Courts Family, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Double Standard, Due Process, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Gender Equality, Gender Politics, Government Programs for Women, Health Men, Legislation Bad, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Matriarchy, Media Bias, Perps Female, Perps government, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Radical, Rape, Rape Culture, Rape in the Military, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sexual Assault, Supremist, Wendy McElroy | No Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Bigotry is on the Rise on College Campuses”

September 19, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Bigotry is on the Rise on College Campuses”

NCFM NOTE: When confronted with someone bad mouthing men and patriarchy, ask them if they see anything men built. Think about it… Bigotry is on the Rise on College Campuses Many would agree that sexism and racism remain serious and, in some cases a growing concern. However, those being discriminated against are not the ones that...
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Posted in Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Elite, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Gender Equality, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Men's Rights Movement, MGTOW, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist, Tim Patten | 2 Comments »

NCFM Files Complaint with State Bar Associations’ and USDOJ, Civil Rights Division regarding Major Martin and false accusations

September 14, 2016
NCFM Files Complaint with State Bar Associations’ and USDOJ, Civil Rights Division regarding Major Martin and false accusations

Update in the Wrongful Prosecution of Army Major Martin false accusations case NCFM Files Complaint with State Bar Associations and United States Department of Justice (USDOJ), Civil Rights Division concerning Army JAG Prosecutors Jacob Bashore, James Garrett, and Shawn Atkins  September 14, 2016  by NCFM “There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield...
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Posted in Courts, Courts Military, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Double Standard, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Female Perpetrators, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Male Victims, Men's Rights, Military, NCFM, NCFM, Perps Female, Perps government, Prosecutors, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape in the Military, Revolutionary, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexual Assault, Supremist, Victim Male, War Against Men | 12 Comments »

NCFM update in the False Accusation and Wrongful Conviction Case of Army Major “Kit” Martin:

September 6, 2016
NCFM update in the False Accusation and Wrongful Conviction Case of Army Major “Kit” Martin:

NCFM update in the False Accusation and Wrongful Conviction Case of Army Major “Kit” Martin: Are bumbling Kentucky police and Army CID Agents trying to kill Major Martin, or just harassing and terrorizing him because they can? September 9, 2016 by NCFM NCFM has an update in the case of Army Major Kit Martin about the November...
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Posted in Courts, Courts Military, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Double Standard, Elite, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Legislation Bad, Major Christian "Kit" Martin, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Men's Rights, Military, Military Justice Improvement Act, Misandry, NCFM, NCFM, Obama Administration, Politicians Federal, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Radical, Rape, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape in the Military, Revolutionary, Scandal, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault in the Military, Shameful, Supremist, Undue Command Influence, Uniform Code of Military Justice, Veterans, Victim Compensation, Victim Male, Victim Rights, War Against Men, Women get it all | 2 Comments »

NCFM Hero Christian “Kit” Martin, “The Real Expendables,” Falsely Accused Military Men

August 16, 2016
NCFM Hero Christian “Kit” Martin, “The Real Expendables,” Falsely Accused Military Men

  The Real Expendables, Falsely Accused Military Men By Christian “Kit” Martin, Major, US Army 24 July 2016.  Joint Regional Correctional Facility (JRCF) Fort Leavenworth, Kansas After two and a half months in confinement, county and federal, I have to ask the question “what is the purpose of prison?”  Is it to punish?  Is it to...
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Posted in Child Abuse, Christian "Kit" Martin, Courts, Courts Kangaroo, Courts Military, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Elite, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Gender Politics, Good Men, Government Programs for Women, Judges Bad, Lawyers, Major Christian "Kit" Martin, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Men's Rights, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM Accomplishment, Perps Female, Perps government, Persecution, Politicians County/Borough/Local, Power, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Prosecutors, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape in the Military, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sanctioned, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault in the Military, Shameful, Supremist, Title IX, UCMJ, Uniform Code of Military Justice, VAWA, VAWA, Victim Compensation, Victim Male, Violence Against Women Act | 18 Comments »

NCFM, “Update in the Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted Case of Army Major Kit Martin. HE’S FREE!!!

August 15, 2016
NCFM, “Update in the Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted Case of Army Major Kit Martin.  HE’S FREE!!!

Update in the Falsely Accused and Wrongfully Convicted Case of Army Major Kit Martin.  HE’S FREE!!!  August 12, 2016  By NCFM Late last month, U.S. Army Major Christian “Kit” Martin was released from custody after serving a little over two months of a three-month sentence for two misdemeanor convictions of simple assault and conduct unbecoming....
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Posted in Child Abuse, Courts, Courts Military, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Accusations in the Military, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Government Programs for Women, Harassment Sexual, Major Christian "Kit" Martin, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Military, Military Justice Improvement Act, Misandry, National Coalition For Men, NCFM, NCFM, Obama Administration, Perps Female, Perps government, Politicians County/Borough/Local, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape in the Military, Revolutionary, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault in the Military, Sexuality, Supremist, Title IX, Torture, VAWA, Victim Male, War Against Men | No Comments »

NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

August 14, 2016
NCFM Australian Liaison Greg Andresen with the One in Three Campaign and “ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence”

ABC Life Matters story on male victims of domestic violence (MP3 audio) The ABC radio program Life Matters has produced a story on male victims and female perpetrators of domestic violence. Their website says, So far this year, 41 women have died from domestic assault. It’s a figure higher than terrorism in Australia, and one...
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Posted in Abused Men, Australia, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Boys, Discrimination Against Males, Discrimination Against Men, Discrimination Men by Men, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Domestic Violence Against Men, Domestic Violence Industry, Domestic Violence Victims, Double Standard, Elite, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Feminist Spin, Greg Andresen, Myths, One In Three Campaign, Radical, Revolutionary, Supremist | No Comments »

NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi, “Another, in a long line of false military sexual assault cases”

August 13, 2016
NCFM Adviser Michael Conzachi, “Another, in a long line of false military sexual assault cases”

Another, in a long line of false military sexual assault cases August 9, 2016 By Michael Conzachi 31 Comments On June 28th, the Daily Caller published my Editorial; “A Travesty of Justice: Collateral Charges in Military Sexual Assault Cases .” I described the routine practice; as Defense Secretary Ash Carter proudly proclaimed, of charging...
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Posted in Abused Men, Child Abuse, Courts, Courts Military, Criminal Sentencing, Discrimination, Discrimination Against Men in the Military, Domestic Violence Against Men, Double Standard, Due Process, Elite, False Allegations, False Allegations DV, Female Abusers, Female Perpetrators, Female Privilege, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Jurisprudence, Gender Politics, Government Programs for Women, Harassment Sexual, Health Men, Intimate Partner Violence, Legislation Bad, Male Victims, Man Bashing, Men's Rights, Men's Rights Movement, Michael Conzachi, Military, Military Justice Improvement Act, Misandry, Radical, Rape Allegations, Rape Culture, Rape Culture Hysteria, Rape in the Military, Revolutionary, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault in the Military, Supremist, Uniform Code of Military Justice, VAWA, Victim Male, Violence Against Women Act, War Against Men, Women get it all | 2 Comments »

NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

August 13, 2016
NCFM Member Tim Patten, “Rape and Frightened Women”

Rape and Frightened Women The editors of recommend that parents discuss intimate body parts and the subject of inappropriate touching with children when they are about three years old. The B-Inspired Mama blog suggests a more straightforward tack: We have got to put aside our differences as parents, and talk more about this...
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Posted in 1 in 4 Women, CA SB 967, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, CASA, Feminism, Feminist Hypocracy, Feminist Spin, Gender Politics, Man Bashing, Myths, Radical, Rape, Rape Culture, Rape in the Military, Rape on Campus, Revolutionary, Sex, Sex Discrimination Against Men, Sexism, Sexism Reverse, Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Supremist, Tim Patten, Victim Female, Victim Male, War Against Men, Yes Means Yes | No Comments »